Welcome to the Nursery and Reception Children and their Families who will join our WDPS Family in September 2020
WDPS - Where children gain a love of challenge, adventure and creativity in and beyond the classroom
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to West Denton Primary School (WDPS) and thank you for choosing our special community for your child’s education. Apologies that we cannot hold our Nursery and Reception meetings at the planned dates; but we will re-schedule as a priority once the Government re-opens schools on a normal basis.
During your child’s time here, we hope you will come to regard the school as your school and that your family’s involvement with the school will always be positive. We very much value your part in the education of your own child and recognise the work you have already done in teaching your child as their first educators. We want to continue to strengthen this partnership between home and school.
We believe we give our children a strong start in life as we are an innovative community who have developed a range of programmes that are unique for a school.
Savour the stimulating learning that our children enjoy by watching the WDPS video on our school website @ http://www.westdenton.newcastle.sch.uk/ Also make sure you look at 'What Makes Us Special', 'Class Pages' and the Photo Galleries in 'Whole School Photos' to see why we are proud of WDPS.
We look forward to our getting to know you and your child better.
Kind regards,
Mick MingStones
Head Teacher