Autumn A
Week 8
What a busy week the children have had. They have designed and made a moving vehicle and enjoyed the school’s Halloween disco.
Moving vehicles
Halloween Disco
Week 7
This week the children helped Teddy find his way to school. We went out into our local area and followed the map, we ticked off the landmarks. Then we drew a map to show Teddy the way.
The children took part in a ‘Black History Month’ workshop called ‘My friend Flo’. The children enjoyed learning about Flo’s journey to the UK on the Empire Windrush.
Week 6
The children have enjoyed ordering the story of The Green Ship. They have looked at aerial photos of the local area and labelled landmarks on them.
Week 5
The children have enjoyed finding their homes on Google earth. They have used an aerial photograph to locate different items in the yard and they could identify how the yard has changed over time. The children also had a great time in Bushcraft.
Week 4
The children have enjoyed being a math magicians this week. They could order numbers and compare them. In geography they have been finding out exactly what geography is. They have been examining photos of places and deciding if they are human or physical.
Week 3
We have been very busy this week working on our character descriptions of Claude. In maths the children have been comparing amounts and numbers. In Science they have been sorting animals into their different groups and discussing what a herbivore, omnivore and carnivore is.
Week 2
The children have really settled into the routines and expectations this week. We have begun reading Claude in the city and are continuing to explore place value in maths. In Science, they have had great fun labelling parts of the body and exploring their senses in our ‘Senses Station’.
Labelling bodies
Week 1
It was so lovely to welcome the children in on Tuesday morning looking so smart in their uniform. The children have settled in really well showing that they are ready for the challenge of Year 2! This week we have been getting to know each other and finding out about the classroom routines. The children have begun their maths work on place value and made their own individual time capsule that they will look at at the end of Year 2 to see how much they have changed and grown.
Thank you for the support you give them, it has been great to hear that the children have been reading and to see their bookmarks being signed.
If you have any queries please come and talk to us or send us an email.
We are so excited for everything Year 2 has in store for your children.