Daily Online School Closure Lessons
Daily Read Write Inc. Phonics Lesson
Read Write Inc. are streaming a daily speed sounds film which will be available for 24 hours via FB and on YouTube. Parents can sign up to either their Facebook page or their YouTube channel. Set 1 and 2 speed sounds are taught in Reception.
Set 1 Speed Sounds - 9.30 am
Set 1 Word Time - 9.45 am
Set 1 Spelling - 10 am
Set 2 Speed Sounds and Word Time - 10.00 am
Set 2 Spelling 10.15 am
- Set 1 Speed Sounds (sounds written with one letter): m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z x and sounds written with two letters (your child will call these ‘special friends’): sh th ch qu ng nk ck
- Set 2 Speed Sounds: ay ee igh ow oo oo ar or air ir ou oy
Oak National Academy
Government backed daily online lessons in English, Maths and Foundation Subjects.
White Rose Maths
Daily maths lessons for Reception (Early Years) children. Each lesson has a useful video clip to watch and a linked activity. 5 new lessons will be uploaded each week.
BBC Bitesize
The BBC Bitesize website is full of great videos, activities, online games and other resources. Although it isn't all aimed at Reception age children, we've rounded up some of the resources that we've found that might be useful for home learning. The PDF is completely linked to the resources, so just choose a topic, click and then off you go. Have fun exploring!
Talk for Writing Home School Booklets
For parents and carers with access to a printer, there are brilliant home school 'talk for writing packs' called "Mavis the Magical Cat" , "The Amazing Adventures of Max" and "Mouse's Adventures". These units are great for developing children's story language, vocabulary and writing skills.