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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn Term A

Week 7

Well done for working so hard this half term!

The children have continued to work hard this week. On Monday they have had a lot of fun making potions and toasting marshmallows on the fire in the Bushcraft area. In Maths we have been using a number line to add. The children have been shown how to access Seesaw.  Each week homework will be posted onto Seesaw and work for those who need to self isolate. The children have brought home their Seesaw logins .
Have a great week off and I look forward to hearing all of your holiday news when you return.

Amazing Addition

Bushcraft Brew

Week 6


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Sam

Mathematician of the week- Darcy

Positive attitude of the week- Olivia

Writer of the week- Ibrahim

Reader of the week- Leela

Fantastic Football

This week the class have been improving their football skills with the Newcastle Football Foundation instructors.

They have been learning to keep control of the ball and dribble.  The children have also improved on their listening skills, Mr Oneal was very impressed with the progress the children made in the session.

Marvelous Maths

This week the children have investigated number bonds up to 10.  They have enjoyed using the Numicon and have learnt how to use a systematic approach to record bonds up to 10.

Week 5


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Joey

Mathematician of the week- Ashton

Positive attitude of the week- Siako

Writer of the week- Riley

Reader of the week- Caiden

Bushcraft Kebabs 

In bushcraft this week the children enjoyed making their own fruit kebabs and got to taste lost of different fruits, including fig, pineapple, raspberries blueberries and kiwi. 

Grouping Animals

In Science the children have been learning about the different categories of animals. They have been looking closely and looking for the similar features in order to group them into birds, mammals, insects, fish, amphibians and reptiles. 

Christmas Card 

In Art this week the children had a go at creating their own Christmas card. The children used old lids from glue sticks to print the Christmas tree and then added lights and baubles using cotton buds. 

Week 4


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Harrison

Mathematician of the week- Chester

Positive attitude of the week- Jessica

Writer of the week- Izzy

Reader of the week- Thea


This week in maths we have been learning about greater than and less than and using the correct symbol to show if a number is greater or less than a given number. The children enjoyed using the crocodiles to help them in our practical lesson before moving onto recording in their books.

Our Senses

In our Science lesson this week the children went on a walk around the school and used their senses recording what they could see, hear, touch and smell before going back to class to complete a blind taste investigation. 


This week in computing the class have had a lot of fun exploring Purple Mash. They have learnt how to log on independently and create their own avatar, before exploring various games and activities. 

Week 3


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week- Michelle

Mathematician of the week- Peter

Positive attitude of the week- Mohamed

Writer of the week- Kai

Reader of the week- Jack


This week the children have enjoyed being outdoors in our bushcraft area. They have worked together in teams to construct dens and created some symmetrical patterns using natural materials.  Our natural prints included berries, beetroot and leaves grown in the outdoor allotments.

Outdoor Symmetry


In Science this week we have been learning about the senses. The children enjoyed working in partners and matching images to the correct sense.

Rock Steady Music Workshop

The year two children had a lot of fun in the hall in the Rock Steady workshop, where they got to try a variety of instruments and play as a band.


Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.


Learner of the week-  Lucas 

Mathematician of the week- Callum

Positive attitude of the week- Elsie

Writer of the week- Freddie 

Head Teacher certificate- Freddie


Week 2


This week the children have continued to settle into class and have been getting used to working at their tables.  In Maths we have been sorting objects into groups and finding out one more and one less. 


In ICT we have also been talking about online safety and the children were excellent at sorting out statements into safe and unsafe. 

Week 1

Football Coaching

We have had an amazing first week back. I am so proud of your children, they have settled into their new class and have adjusted well to the new rules and routines. 

This week the children have enjoyed getting to know each other, re-establishing friendships and made some new ones.

Thank you for your support and sending your child in their PE kit on Wednesday.  The children had a lot of fun learning skills in football with the coaches. 

Bushcraft Den Making

Our children in year 1/2 have been in our bushcraft area this week to support their mental wellbeing and working on their life skills challenges.  They explored their surroundings and made dens for small animals. 
