Summer A
Week 5
We survived SATs! A huge congratulations to our Year 6 children, who all showed amazing determination, resilience and a will to succeed through all of the tests this week; we really could not be more proud of you all!
The next stage in our Fashion art topic was to study outfits by famous designers and create our own outfit designs, adding more detail though our use of watercolour paint.
Week 4
We have been continuing to learn about light and shadow in Science this week- we even made our own shadow puppets and performed a show. In Art, we have been finding out about famous fashions and designers. We designed shoes in the style of Dan Sullivan and our designs are absolutely amazing! In PE we have learning to defend and shoot, we even played a basketball match, to put our skills to the test.
Week 3
It was amazing to see some of our children’s creating writing published in a real book, we are very proud of their achievement. In Maths we have been continuing our topic about mangles and we have been learning to calculate missing angles round a point, on a straight line and in a triangle. In PE Year 5 have been learning to play rounders and Year 6 have been practising their basketball techniques, including dribbling while defending the ball with their body.
Week 2
Another very busy week with the highlight being our Spanish Day celebrations on Wednesday. Children came to school dressed in either red and yellow (the colours of the Spanish flag) or Spanish themed clothing. We enjoyed tasting some delicious Spanish food, including chorizo and hot chocolate, as well as learning more about Spain with a fun quiz. In the afternoon “Real Madrid” competed against “Barcelona FC” in a hotly contested football match, cheered on by enthusiastic supporters.
In Science we are continuing to study the topic of light. This week we learnt about angles of incidence and reflection then made periscopes using cereal boxes and mirrors. We also found out about the colours that make up a spectrum and created colour wheels.
We are delighted that two of our pupils have had their creative writing published in a book alongside work by children from all over the country. Well done to them!

Week 1
It is great to be back after the Easter break and we have had a very busy time. In Science the children did some research about light and presented it to the class. In PE we made up our own attacking and defending games which was challenging and fun. In Maths we have been learning about area and perimeter and in English we have read and debated newspaper articles, considering what makes a balanced argument.