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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Geography Intent, Implementation and Impact

At WDPS, we believe that when children are given the opportunity to foster a love of challenge, adventure and creativity in and beyond the classroom - developing skills that will equip them for all walks of life - they will become life-long learners with resilience, passion and a thirst for knowledge


At West Denton Primary School (WDPS) we believe our children are entitled to develop their curiosity and enthusiasm about the past. Our Geography curriculum engages pupils in investigating and enquiring into people and events in the past. Through their understanding of the The World, our children will become resilient, empathetic, tolerant and accepting of others. This will ensure they adapt and thrive as they grow. They will be better prepared to embrace the ever-changing world around them.

Life Skills and Resilience  

Lifelong learners

At WDPS we have created an exciting Geography curriculum that will develop a thirst for learning and knowledge in our children. The curriculum is enhanced with outside expert visitors, educational trips and hands on resources along with our bespoke Life Skills Awards program and Bush Craft curriculum and area.


WDPS Core Values- Positive Contributors and Citizens

Through our Geography curriculum children will come to understand the complexity of people's lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as the child's own identity and challenges of their time.

When studying a geographical topic or event they will demonstrate their curiosity by asking thoughtful Geographical questions. They will grow in knowledge as they use and analyse a range of geographical sources. They will be open minded as they view the world’s geography from different perspectives. Geography teaching and learning also allows the children to demonstrate and develop the following WDPS Core Values.


I ask questions.

I like to learn and discover new things about the world.

I am curious.

I will carry this love of learning with me throughout life.



I am thoughtful.

I try to solve problems and make good decisions.

I do this by thinking about things and by learning from my mistakes.



I talk about my ideas.

I am able to express myself in more than one language.

I can also communicate using mathematical language, symbols and drawings.



I have learned many things.

I can tell you about / show you these things.

I can use this information to solve problems in life.



I know that people are different and may do different things.

I know that not everyone will think like me and that's fine.

I listen and try to understand others.



I think about what I have learned, what I am good at and what I can improve the next time.

I take the time to think about my actions and their effects.



Geography also facilitates the promotion of out Attitudes as follows


I think like I can try or do most things



I want to know more



I think and do things for myself



I work together well with other children and adults



I finish what I start and I don’t give up (Winners never quit, quitters never win!)



I enjoy learning



I accept others



I put myself in someone else’s shoes



I adjust myself to new or changing situations


Academic Commitment

Our high quality Geography education supports our pupils in gaining a coherent knowledge and understanding of The World and their own environment and geographical area/country. We want our pupils to not only gain a deeper knowledge of the world, but also to develop their geography skills and be able to justify their views and make reasoned judgments.

The Geography curriculum is planned to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum, making maximum use of own local area and geographical features and environment. The curriculum is planned on a two year rolling program to accommodate our mixed age classes. Progression is seen through the geography skills progression grids. Through the organisation of the units, there is also cohesion between Phases, allowing the children to develop and build on their previous knowledge and apply it further; or to make comparisons between two different contrasting countries.


Geography is, by nature, an investigative subject, which develops and understanding of concepts, knowledge and skills. Our aim is to inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people which will remain with them for the rest of their lives; to promote the children’s interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.


Enquiry-based Learning Curriculum

At WDPS each unit is an enquiry. This enquiry-based approach gives our children ownership of their learning and encourages them to be investigators, gaining knowledge for themselves and developing their thinking skills.


We believe that Geography helps to provoke and provide answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world. The geography curriculum and enquiry focused approach at West Denton Primary School enables children to develop knowledge and skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas and which can be used to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. In addition, through enquiry, our pupils not only build subject knowledge and understanding, but they become increasingly adept at critical thinking, using specialised vocabulary and grasping subject concepts.   We structure learning in geography through standalone Geography units which include enquiries about relevant geographical topics, places and themes.  Our curriculum is therefore ‘knowledge rich’ rather than content heavy as we recognise that if we attempt to teach geography topics, places, themes and issues in their entirety, we restrict opportunities for pupils to master and apply critical thinking skills and achieve more challenging subject outcomes. Consideration is always given to how greater depth will be taught, learnt and demonstrated within each lesson, as well as how learners will be supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.  Our teaching and learning in geography is interactive and practical allowing opportunities for pupils to work independently, in pairs and also in groups of various sizes both inside and outside of the classroom.  Wherever possible, we provide our pupils with a range of resources and geographical evidence (Including Maps, Google earth, photographs, artefacts etc.) and also films to analyse and from which to reach conclusions and make judgements.  Similarly we provide varied and differentiated ways for pupils to record the outcomes of their work including the use of PowerPoint, concept mapping, annotated diagrams, improvised drama and the application of a wide range of writing genres.  Only in this way will knowledge become embedded and ‘sticky’ and ensure that our pupils can build on what they know and understand from one year to the next. Our teaching and learning in geography also recognises the importance of the local area with investigations involving observation, recording, presentation, interpretation and the evaluation of geographical information outside of the classroom


 At the beginning of each theme, an entry point activity is planned and provided to the children which entice, enthuse and immerse children in their ‘Theme Learning’. Planned opportunities are given to each year group for children to convey what they know already as well as what they would like to investigate and find out. This informs the programme of study and also ensures that lessons are relevant and take account of children’s different starting points.


At the end of each unit of work, we make a summative judgement about the achievement of each pupil and input these into the WDPS Foundation Subjects Tracker.  At this point teachers decide upon a ‘best fit’ judgement as to whether the pupil has achieved and embedded the expected learning goals, exceeded expectations or is still working towards the goals.  These decisions are based on the professional knowledge and judgement that teachers possess about the progress of each pupil, developed over the previous three terms, which allows an informed and holistic judgement of attainment to be made.   Achievement against the learning goals for history at the end of the year is used as the basis of reporting progress to parents and carers. 

We also measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods;

  • Learning walks and professional dialogue with teachers.
  • Accessing children’s understanding of theme linked vocabulary before and after the ‘knowledge and skills’ have been taught.
  • Summative assessment based on pupil discussion about their learning/termly data input
  • Images and videos of the children’s practical learning (class and subject portfolio and Class Pages).
  • Interviewing pupils about their learning (pupil voice)
  • Moderation where pupil’s books and class portfolios are scrutinised and there is an opportunity for dialogue between teachers to discuss the learning and teaching in their class.


At WDPS, we believe that when children are given the opportunity to foster a love of challenge, adventure and creativity in and beyond the classroom - developing skills that will equip them for all walks of life - they will become life-long learners with resilience, passion and a thirst for knowledge


At West Denton Primary School (WDPS) we believe our children are entitled to develop their curiosity and enthusiasm about the past. Our Geography curriculum engages pupils in investigating and enquiring into people and events in the past. Through their understanding of the The World, our children will become resilient, empathetic, tolerant and accepting of others. This will ensure they adapt and thrive as they grow. They will be better prepared to embrace the ever-changing world around them.

Life Skills and Resilience  

Lifelong learners

At WDPS we have created an exciting Geography curriculum that will develop a thirst for learning and knowledge in our children. The curriculum is enhanced with outside expert visitors, educational trips and hands on resources along with our bespoke Life Skills Awards program and Bush Craft curriculum and area.


WDPS Core Values- Positive Contributors and Citizens

Through our Geography curriculum children will come to understand the complexity of people's lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as the child's own identity and challenges of their time.

When studying a geographical topic or event they will demonstrate their curiosity by asking thoughtful Geographical questions. They will grow in knowledge as they use and analyse a range of geographical sources. They will be open minded as they view the world’s geography from different perspectives. Geography teaching and learning also allows the children to demonstrate and develop the following WDPS Core Values.


I ask questions.

I like to learn and discover new things about the world.

I am curious.

I will carry this love of learning with me throughout life.



I am thoughtful.

I try to solve problems and make good decisions.

I do this by thinking about things and by learning from my mistakes.



I talk about my ideas.

I am able to express myself in more than one language.

I can also communicate using mathematical language, symbols and drawings.



I have learned many things.

I can tell you about / show you these things.

I can use this information to solve problems in life.



I know that people are different and may do different things.

I know that not everyone will think like me and that's fine.

I listen and try to understand others.



I think about what I have learned, what I am good at and what I can improve the next time.

I take the time to think about my actions and their effects.



Geography also facilitates the promotion of out Attitudes as follows


I think like I can try or do most things



I want to know more



I think and do things for myself



I work together well with other children and adults



I finish what I start and I don’t give up (Winners never quit, quitters never win!)



I enjoy learning



I accept others



I put myself in someone else’s shoes



I adjust myself to new or changing situations


Academic Commitment

Our high quality Geography education supports our pupils in gaining a coherent knowledge and understanding of The World and their own environment and geographical area/country. We want our pupils to not only gain a deeper knowledge of the world, but also to develop their geography skills and be able to justify their views and make reasoned judgments.

The Geography curriculum is planned to ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum, making maximum use of own local area and geographical features and environment. The curriculum is planned on a two year rolling program to accommodate our mixed age classes. Progression is seen through the geography skills progression grids. Through the organisation of the units, there is also cohesion between Phases, allowing the children to develop and build on their previous knowledge and apply it further; or to make comparisons between two different contrasting countries.


Geography is, by nature, an investigative subject, which develops and understanding of concepts, knowledge and skills. Our aim is to inspire in children a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people which will remain with them for the rest of their lives; to promote the children’s interest and understanding of diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.


Enquiry-based Learning Curriculum

At WDPS each unit is an enquiry. This enquiry-based approach gives our children ownership of their learning and encourages them to be investigators, gaining knowledge for themselves and developing their thinking skills.


We believe that Geography helps to provoke and provide answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world. The geography curriculum and enquiry focused approach at West Denton Primary School enables children to develop knowledge and skills that are transferable to other curriculum areas and which can be used to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. In addition, through enquiry, our pupils not only build subject knowledge and understanding, but they become increasingly adept at critical thinking, using specialised vocabulary and grasping subject concepts.   We structure learning in geography through standalone Geography units which include enquiries about relevant geographical topics, places and themes.  Our curriculum is therefore ‘knowledge rich’ rather than content heavy as we recognise that if we attempt to teach geography topics, places, themes and issues in their entirety, we restrict opportunities for pupils to master and apply critical thinking skills and achieve more challenging subject outcomes. Consideration is always given to how greater depth will be taught, learnt and demonstrated within each lesson, as well as how learners will be supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.  Our teaching and learning in geography is interactive and practical allowing opportunities for pupils to work independently, in pairs and also in groups of various sizes both inside and outside of the classroom.  Wherever possible, we provide our pupils with a range of resources and geographical evidence (Including Maps, Google earth, photographs, artefacts etc.) and also films to analyse and from which to reach conclusions and make judgements.  Similarly we provide varied and differentiated ways for pupils to record the outcomes of their work including the use of PowerPoint, concept mapping, annotated diagrams, improvised drama and the application of a wide range of writing genres.  Only in this way will knowledge become embedded and ‘sticky’ and ensure that our pupils can build on what they know and understand from one year to the next. Our teaching and learning in geography also recognises the importance of the local area with investigations involving observation, recording, presentation, interpretation and the evaluation of geographical information outside of the classroom


 At the beginning of each theme, an entry point activity is planned and provided to the children which entice, enthuse and immerse children in their ‘Theme Learning’. Planned opportunities are given to each year group for children to convey what they know already as well as what they would like to investigate and find out. This informs the programme of study and also ensures that lessons are relevant and take account of children’s different starting points.


At the end of each unit of work, we make a summative judgement about the achievement of each pupil and input these into the WDPS Foundation Subjects Tracker.  At this point teachers decide upon a ‘best fit’ judgement as to whether the pupil has achieved and embedded the expected learning goals, exceeded expectations or is still working towards the goals.  These decisions are based on the professional knowledge and judgement that teachers possess about the progress of each pupil, developed over the previous three terms, which allows an informed and holistic judgement of attainment to be made.   Achievement against the learning goals for history at the end of the year is used as the basis of reporting progress to parents and carers. 

We also measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods;

  • Learning walks and professional dialogue with teachers.
  • Accessing children’s understanding of theme linked vocabulary before and after the ‘knowledge and skills’ have been taught.
  • Summative assessment based on pupil discussion about their learning/termly data input
  • Images and videos of the children’s practical learning (class and subject portfolio and Class Pages).
  • Interviewing pupils about their learning (pupil voice)
  • Moderation where pupil’s books and class portfolios are scrutinised and there is an opportunity for dialogue between teachers to discuss the learning and teaching in their class.