Autumn B
Week 7
The children have had a fun week this week making Christmas cards and calendars which will be coming home to you this week. We've also visited Santa in his grotto, received a small gift and had hot chocolates around the campfire, while singing Christmas songs so we are feeling very festive indeed. We have also finished our class reading book 'Holes', which the children have all really enjoyed and the children will watch the film on Friday. Christmas dinner was eaten on Tuesday and we enjoyed our Christmas party today, with lots of games, dancing and food galore.
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas from everyone in Year 6.
Week 6
We've had a week full of Christmas cheer as we've watched the Christmas plays performed throughout the school. They were amazing and really put us in the Christmas mood. We've still been working hard though, with continuing fractions in maths and reading more of our English book Holes which we should finish next week.
Week 5
This week we have been doing LOTS of fraction work in maths. We have been adding, subtracting, multiplying and simplifying fractions. In English we have been continuing our class book called ‘Holes’ where we have made a persuasive poster advertising Camp Green Lake. We’ve also been looking at online safety this week, identifying how to keep ourselves safe online and when it’s appropriate to share our location.
Week 4
We enjoyed a very crisp morning in the bushcraft area this week, using bow-saws to cut wood in preparation for our Christmas crafts. We have been continuing with fractions in maths and our class reading book “Holes” in English.
Week 3
This week some of us were away on residential but those that were here had a DT week where we made toys using CAMS. The children had to design a toy themselves and, working in groups, they then implemented their design. We were really impressed with what the children made. We were having too much fun to take any photos but hopefully your child has brought home their creation for you to see.
Week 2
This week we have continued looking at mountains in geography, identify features and different types of mountains. In maths, we have been converting fractions to compare and order from smallest to biggest. In English, we have started our new class book called Holes by Louis Sacher where the children have tried to predict what they think will happen in the book based on the front cover, and also identified the characters we’ve been introduced to so far.
We’ve also celebrated Children in Need today and one of our classmates made a wonderful cake for the class to share. Thank you Phoebe.

Week 1
Welcome back Year 6. We’ve done Bushcraft this week where we made leaf imprints into clay. We’ve been looking at the poem In Flanders’s Fields ready for Remembrance Day. We’ve also been learning about spreadsheets in Computing and mountains in Geography.