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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Wraparound Care

We offer wraparound care before and after school with Breakfast Club to Twilight Club.


We are also able to offer our families wraparound care from Monday to Friday from 07.30 to 17.15 for a weekly price of £52.50.

Breakfast Club 


Start Time – From 07.30

£4.00 per child per day which includes an hour and a half child care, breakfast and a wide range of activities to enjoy.


Some families choose one or more sessions per week on a needs basis.

Twilight Club


Operates from Monday to Friday from 15.25 to 17.15. We offer a variety of activities for the children on our own school site including: games, arts and crafts, a quiet relaxation area, help with homework and in the summer months outdoor games. Children also enjoy a tea time snack each evening around 16.30 consisting of juice/sandwiches/fruit etc. The children are cared for by qualified school staff.


I hope that families appreciate that the charge of £6.50 per child is good value and also significantly cheaper than most other childcare providers in the area.


Some families choose one of more sessions per week on a needs basis. 



Please note the following relate to both Breakfast Club and Twilight Club:


  • Drop off for Breakfast Club and pick up for Twilight Club will only be via the entrance to the school hall adjacent to the key stage 2 yard.
  • Please knock at the door and wait for a member of staff to come to you. No persons will be allowed entrance to the school hall.  Staff will sign your child in / out in your presence.
  • For Breakfast Club a member of staff will take your child’s temperature before they are admitted to the hall.
  • Places for Twilight club must be booked in advance by telephoning the school office before 3.00pm.
  • We no longer accept cash, all payments must be made online.
  • For the foreseeable future both clubs will run a modified range of activities to comply with current government guidance.
  • In Breakfast Club children in key stage 2 will remain in the hall for the full session.
  • Twilight Club will send new registration forms home annually with your child for completion and return.
  • Hygiene is always important to us but in the current climate we are taking the extra precautions needed to ensure the safety of all children, parents / carers and staff.
  • Rest assured that whilst we have had to make some changes the emphasis is still on ensuring your children are cared for and have fun.