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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn A

Week 8

This week, we started the column method of addition in maths. In English, the children rewrote a section of Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx, using fronted adverbials, snappy sentences and 'show, don't tell' to create suspense. In Science, we continued looking at food chains and learning about why different animals have different types of teeth. Who could forget the most important part of this week? The children had a fantastic time at the Halloween Disco, and they all looked brilliant!

Week 7

This week, we have been working on addition and subtraction in maths, and in English the children wrote some excellent descriptions. We learned all about food chains in Science, and the children have been practising different greetings in their Spanish lesson this week.

Week 6

The children have worked very hard completing assessments this week. Well done for all of your efforts! In Science, we continued our Animals Including Humans topic. We looked more at the functions of different parts of the digestive system, and the children carried out an experiment to help them understand the process. It was a bit messy, but I think they enjoyed it!

Week 5

We finished Place Value in maths this week, ordering numbers to 1,000 and counting in 50s. After checking on our mummified tomatoes, we discovered that the salt is working and the tomatoes are drying out! We started our Science topic Animals Including Humans, and the children learned the names and different functions of teeth. We also set up an experiment using the question "Do sugary drinks cause tooth decay?" This involved placing hard boiled eggs in different liquids, and monitoring any changes in the egg shell. Even after one day, the egg in coca cola looked stained, and the egg in orange juice looked as though a thin layer of egg shell was peeling away. We'll check them again after the weekend!

Week 4

This week, the children were comparing numbers to 1000 in maths. In English, they wrote some brilliant riddles. It was quite tricky to guess some of the answers! We continued our well-being art sessions, and in history we learned all about how and why the Ancient Egyptians mummified people. We even had a go at mummifying tomatoes. The children had to remove the insides, clean out the tomato and fill it with salt and bicarbonate of soda. They then had to make sure it was securely wrapped in bandages. We will check on our tomatoes to see how well we preserved them!

Week 3

We continued place value this week, and the children worked hard to flexibly partition numbers to 1,000. In English, we continued reading Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx. The children used a thesaurus to help them find synonyms for words. In Bushcraft, we harvested potatoes and carrots, and in computing the children learned all about online safety.

Week 2

This week, the children had their first ukulele lesson! They also enjoyed a session on oracy, where they discussed and debated the most important school rules. We were impressed by how many of them managed to come to an agreement and how willing they were to change their minds. We started our History topic which us all about the Egyptians, and started reading our class text 'Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx'. We all agreed that we think we're going to enjoy learning about the Ancient Egyptians!

Week 1

The children have all worked hard this week, as well as getting used to their new corridor, yard and routines! They had their very first Spanish lesson, and we started an art project all about wellbeing and social, emotional and mental health. The children enjoyed having freedom to draw and experiment. We started place value in maths, and I enjoyed learning all about the children in their letters to me!

