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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn A

Week Six 


We have worked really hard this week doing lots of assessments. We have still managed to have a bit of fun in Music and PE. Have a look at the pictures below. 

Week Five 


We are now doing addition and subtracting 4 digit numbers. In English, we finished the book Skellig. We all really enjoyed it. We have continued to learn new dance moves in PE. We have really enjoyed doing art for our well being and discussing how it makes us feel. We have used the glockenspiel in music this week to add to our song Living on a prayer. Have a look a the images below. 

Week Four 


We have had a busy week this week. We started to create our own catching game in ICT. In maths we have been working hard on rounding numbers. In English we have continued our work on Skellig and looked at similarities and differences between the characters. We have enjoyed learning the rest of song in music. We have loved learning street dance. Have a look at some images below. 

Street Dance

Still image for this video

Week Three 


We have had a lovely week this week. We have wrote a character description about Skellig in English. We have begun dance lessons in hip hop and tried really hard we all got out of breath. In science we looked at how adults age and sorted statements into true and false. 
Have a look at some images below. 

Week Two


We have had another busy week, we started to write about a new book in English called Skellig, they had to find evidence to agree or disagree with a statement. In maths we have continued to look at place value with larger numbers. We started learning a new song in music, Living on a prayer. Have a look at the pictures below: 

Week One


Welcome back, I hope you all had a lovely summer break. We have had a busy first week back, we wrote a letter to the teachers to tell them all about ourselves. We enjoyed some time in the allotments moving bark and we started to investigate our new class text. 
We enjoyed listening to some classical music in assembly. Have a look at some photos below. 
