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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn Term A

Week 7


We’ve had a fun week in school this week. Along with all our usual hard work, we have been making more bread. Everyone in school commented on how amazing the small was. Everyone fully enjoyed making it and in particular eating it. Hopefully you got to try some at home. We’ve also been enjoying our music lessons as you can see in the short snippet below and the children enjoyed some story time with Mr Shiel. Have a great half term break everyone.

From rocking it out...

Still image for this video

Week 6


It was assessment week this week, and we are pleased with the progress made so far. The children had a lovely treat after all their hard work with a Bushcraft morning and made bread on the fire pit. Yum!

Week 5

In science we've been looking at growth and reproduction, in particular puberty in the human body. As you can imagine with a class of 30 10-11 year olds, there was some giggling but overall these were rather fun yet informative lessons.


In maths we've been doing squared and cubed numbers. If your child is uncertain on their times tables can you please encourage them to go on Doodle Tables at home as often as they can. Times tables are fundamental in maths and if you child is not fluent then this will cause them to struggle later on. Thank you for your help.


In English we have been looking at the features of a diary and writing our own diary entries based on our class book Skellig.

Week 4

Year 6 had a very enjoyable trip to the Safety Works on Thursday. We learnt lots of ways to keep ourselves safe around the home so you may hear them telling you what they learnt. In English we are nearing the end of our book Skellig, where the children can’t wait to see how it finishes. In maths this week we have been cementing in addition and subtraction with 6 and 7 digit numbers.

Week 3

This week in Maths we have been rounding numbers and in English we've been continuing our Skellig book, doing character analysis and predicting what may happen next in the story. We've also been looking at how powerful words can be in advertising, producing adverts of our own. In Geography our topic is Fairtrade where the children have produced some lovely posters.

Week 2

In English we have started our new book called Skellig and the children are enjoying the work around it, wondering who Skellig could be. Maths this week has been all about place value. We are finding the class as a whole is less confident in maths so this is something we will be working on in the coming weeks.  We've also had Bushcraft, which was enjoyed by all.

Week 1

Welcome Year 6! It's been a great week getting to know the class and everyone has settled nicely into Year 6. We started the term with computing where we learnt to code a game using 2code. The children are beginning to adapt well to the quicker pace of year 6 with some brilliant written work. Well done on a great first week.
