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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring A

Week 2


Another wonderful week. In Literacy the children have been planning a character description of the Tear Thief. They have experimenting with similes and alliteration to add detail to their writing.  In Maths  we have focused on column subtraction and addition.  In Science the class went for a walk around school to identify what materials they could find. They recorded their findings in a table. In P.E we had lots of fun with different yoga poses and focused our deep breathing. 


Stars of the Week


Learner of the week- Michael

Mathematician of the week- Tommie

Mathematician of the week - Colin

Positive attitude of the week- Lily-Rose

Reader of the week- Jessica

Week 1


It was lovely to see the children after the Christmas break. We look forward to a busy and fun-packed  half term.  In English we have started a new class text called The Tear Thief. The children made predictions about the story and then we had a drama lesson empathising with the different characters and their feelings. In Maths we have started to look at column addition as a different strategy to add two digit numbers together. We have started a new unit in Science and we are investigating everyday materials.  The children discussed different properties of the materials during a practical lesson.  In P.E we have also started a new  Yoga unit. 


Stars of the Week


Learner of the week- Arianna

Mathematician of the week- Harper

Positive attitude of the week- Carter

Writer of the week- Lily-Rose

Reader of the week- Arusha
