Spring Term A
Week 6
Valentine's Disco
We all really enjoyed getting dressed up for the Valentine's Disco. Reception enjoyed lots of music and dancing, followed by a few treats. Thank you to Mrs Barr, Mrs Hughes and the school council for organising this great event.
In Maths we have been investigating different ways to make 5 using the Numicon. Number bonds are simply the pairs of numbers that make up a given number. They are a very important foundation for understanding how numbers work and create fluency for composing and decomposing numbers for addition and subtraction.
Valentine's Disco
Number bonds to 5
Week 5
Growing Up
A few children in class are soon to become big brother and sisters. We listened to the story "The Bump: A New Baby" by Mij Kelly and Nicholas Allan. It explores a Mother's joy at being pregnant and helps children understand how much they are loved. Reception wrote shopping lists for a new baby and had fun playing 'baby bingo' in groups.
Reception have been turn taking and working with a partner in Mathematics. We played snakes and ladders to practise 'teen' number recognition.
In PE we tried yoga. Yoga is great for balance, strength, relaxation, flexibility and confidence. Follow the link below to try this workout at home.
Baby Bingo
Snakes and Ladders

Week 4
Kung Hei Fat Choi
Reception have been learning all about Chinese New Year. The children listened to the story about how Chinese New Year began. We set up a Chinese take away in our role play area, counted out money to pay for food and made menus. Reception tried Chinese food and talked about their likes and dislikes. Using chopsticks was tricky! We made paper crafts and completed a Numicon dragon in Maths.
Topmarks Chinese Dragon Game
In ICT we played an ordering and sequencing numbers game based on the Chinese New Year dragon theme. Check out the tablet friendly drag and drop activity below:
Chinese Dragon Song

Week 3
A New Bed for Goldilocks
Reception completed a STEM engineering design challenge. They helped Baby Bear design and make a new bed for Goldilocks.
Reading Games
We have practised our blending skills. Reception enjoyed playing 'Pick a Picture' and 'Buried Treasure'. Try these games at home by following the link below:
Week 2
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The children sequenced the pictures from the story and retold it in their own words. We practised changing our voices to sound like the different characters. At the end of the week we wrote 'how to make porridge' instructions for Goldilocks. In Maths we used positional language to describe where Baby Bear was hiding during hide and seek.
What Makes Porridge Delicious?
Reception carried out a science experiment which focussed on investigation. The children experimented making different flavoured porridge and tested them out.
Week 1
"Knock Knock Who's There?"
Reception listened to the story "Knock Knock Who's There?" by Sally Grindley and Anthony Browne. This is a story about a little girl who can't sleep. Scary characters keep knocking at her door; a giant, a dragon, a witch and a ghost. They all have something in common, they are all wearing Daddy's slippers ...
This story tackles fears children may have at bedtime. It sends them the message that these strange monsters they are afraid of are not real and a caring grown up will always be nearby if afraid. In Literacy we drew a scary character and wrote a description to add our own pages to the story.
In Maths we have been learning to add by joining 2 groups together. The children drew pictures to match their number stories and are beginning to write number sentences.
Dressing Lecky
In ICT we have been learning how to drag and drop using a mouse. We helped Lecky the alien dress for different types of weather. Follow the link below to try this game at home.