Spring Term B
Week 3
This week the children have enjoyed an art focus. They have been learning all about collage. They have used a range of different papers, which they now know the names of.
For a little while our classroom looked like a rainbow explosion or some thought it looked like a tin of Quality Street! But you will soon see all their hard work in our class art installation.
Art work
Week 2
Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend Parents Evening this week, it was lovely to share your child’s progress with you.
The children have had another busy week, they have continued to learn about The Titanic, this week ordering the events that took place before it sank.
They have been grouping and creating arrays in maths.
On Wednesday we celebrated World Maths Day . We hope you have enjoyed playing ‘shut the box’. The children had lots of fun (and a few tears) making these at school.
They also had a great day on Thursday celebrating World Book Day, they looked great in their costumes.
The Titanic
Arrays and grouping
World Maths Day
Week 1
The children have settled back in after their week off. They all enjoyed sharing their holiday news and they seem to have grown in just a week!
We have begun our new topic 'Titanic'. The children have enjoyed learning about Delia and finding out why she bought a new hat. They were fascinated to explore the Titanic and compared the first and third class amenities.
In maths we have been grouping and learning that this represents repeated addition which is the same as multiplication.
Please can we ask that the children all keep up their reading practise at home, it makes a huge difference.