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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring Term A

Week 6

We have studied the Impressionist movement in art and created our own Monet style landscape paintings, mixing different shades of paint and using a dabbing painting technique to build layers. In computing we have been learning about data bases. We have searched databases to answer questions and created our own class data base. 

Week 5

As part of our geography Climate Change topic, we studied world maps and looked at the impact of climate change on the environment in different countries around the world. Some of year 6 children took part in a basketball tournament and represented our school brilliantly with their skill and sportsmanship, we enjoyed practicing in P.E. 

Week 4

In P.E. we practised our chest and shoulder passes in netball and in gymnastics we were creating cannons and synchronisation routines, exploring different ways of travelling and balancing.  In English, we have been exploring the characters of Bubba and Spike and writing open-ended questions and responding in role. In geography we have been finding out about climate change and how extreme flooding impacts the residents of Starcross village. 

Week 3


This week Rachael from the Dogs' Trust visited our school.  On Wednesday she gave an assembly about how we can tell if it is okay to approach a dog and how to do this safely. On Thursday we participated in an interesting workshop, where we learnt more about a dog's body language and how they demonstrate how they are feeling.

Week 2

We have started to read a new book in our English lessons, The Watertower. We have drawn our own predictions based on the illustrations and introduction. In P.E. we have been developing our balance and core strength by holding different positions, ready to create routines. In Maths we have have been learning about equivalent fractions and building our own fraction walls. Year 5 have been amazing during their swimming lessons, well done! 

Week 1

Happy New Year!
Student Ambassadors came from Jesus College, Cambridge University to talk to Year 6 about life at university and how it can improve your life chances. 
We have been studying, sketching and painting British birds as part of a British Ecological Society project, linked to our Life Skills Challenge and Bushcraft studies. 
