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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring A

Week 2

The children have had a busy week in school. We have been learning about Zones of Regulation and discussing different emotions. We have been exploring materials and went on a materials hunt. In English we pieced an information text back together and labelled the features. On Friday a teacher visiting Newcastle from Spain came and visited us. He taught us how to count in Spanish. 

Materials hunt

Information texts

Art- creating tints

Week 1

The children have come back after enjoying the festivities. This week we have begun learning the differences between fiction and non fiction. The children have enjoyed looking at different fiction and non fiction books. In maths we have been exploring numbers to 20. In art the children enjoyed recreating Rothko’s Colour field. They were able to make secondary colours from primary colours. 

Making different representations of numbers

Colour mixing
