Summer Term B
Week 7
We would to congratulate all of children on their hard work and wonderful achievements this year. We are so proud of you all. We wish our Year 6 children the best of luck at their new schools and for their futures. We hope you will come and visit us. We are looking forward to seeing our Year 5 children again in September. Wishing you all an exciting summer.
Week 6
This week the children performed their final Bamboo Tamboo ‘Cuckoo’ piece. They were absolutely fantastic!
They have also put their bread making skills to the test by cooking garlic bead and bread twists on the campfire and they were delicious. The children have also woven bracelets using para-cord- very trendy.
The bushcraft area also has some lovely new clay guardians.
A huge well done to our children who completed their learning log task about Queen Elizabeth I this half term, we were very impressed with their effort and knowledge.
Week 5
We have enjoyed our music tuition this week and our Bamboo Tamboo performances are really progressing well.
For the final part of our art topic we have designed and made our own Terracotta Army warriors.
Week 4
This week has been incredibly busy but absolutely amazing! Some of us were lucky enough to visit the Tower of London to receive a presentation for our participation in the Super Bloom project, for the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations.
Our girls thoroughly enjoyed taking part in a football festival at Newcastle High school for Girls. The girls demonstrated great sportsmanship, well done!
R.G.S. Delivered a fantastic computing lesson, teaching us to draw using Logo programming.
On Wednesday Y6 girls took part in a S.T.E.M. Day at Westfield School, learning about careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. They took part in various lessons including science, programming and psychology as well as listening to guest speakers who had careers in Artificial Intelligence and Environmental Science.
Week 3
Week 2
Continuing with our Chinese Art theme, this week we have make our own Chinese dragons out of clay. Clay is a very difficult material to work with and some of our dragons came off a little worse for wear, losing some limbs in the drying out process.
We have been learning to draw Chinese dragons as part of our Chinese art topic. We had our first bamboo Tamboo lesson, learning to play on different beats within a bar and keeping in time. The Year 6 children were treated at a visit from the ice cream van as a well done reward for all of their hard work this year leading up to the SATs. In this week’s Bush Craft session we had delicious sausage sandwiches- yummy!
Week 1
This week the children learned Irish dancing and in Art they sketched Chinese artefacts in our new topic about Chinese Art.