Autumn B
Nursery class came dressed in spots and Pudsey bear tops to celebrate 'Children in Need' day. They very kindly brought a donation to help raise money £305.16 in total! We made some yellow spotty biscuits and decorated Pudsey pictures.

The children's artwork is really developing. They have been producing colourful paintings using a paintbrush and have enjoyed mixing new colours.

Remembrance Day
We talked to the children about brave soldiers. They made poppies to honour them and to say thank you.
Bonfire Night
The children enjoyed sharing their experiences of seeing fireworks. They used this to create their own sparkling pictures. We also made some delicious chocolate sparklers to eat.
The Hindu Festival of Light.
The children made a beautiful diva candle by decorating a paper plate with colourful glitter and paint. They coloured rangoli patterns and traced over lines to draw objects linked to the festival.
Music and Movement
The children love to participate in action songs that building friendships and allow them to move and feel a simple beat. Some of our favourite songs include 'Sandy Girl/Boy', 'The Umbrella Song' and 'Jack be Nimble'. They can act out the songs, follow the words and choose a friend to join them in the circle. Rhythm and rhyme helps young children develop their early reading skills.
Snow Day
Despite the cold weather the the children have loved being in the garden investigating the seasonal changes. Nursery enjoyed a 'snow day' today, making foot prints, snow balls, snow castles and they even tried to build a snowman! They had lots of fun exploring how snow felt and they even tried to catch a few flakes on their tongue!
The Gingerbread Man
This week in Nursery we have been listening to the traditional tale "The Gingerbread Man".
We really enjoyed joining in with the repeating phrase "Run run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man!"
Mrs Hughes suggested that we could make our own gingerbread men (and ladies!). We found a recipe in our cookery book and we all helped make the biscuits. Then we decorated our biscuits and took them home to eat.
Exploring Painting and Printing Techniques
Nursery described the Gingerbread Man and painted their own character design.

We experimented using printing tools to create our own baking trays filled with Gingerbread people.
Mark Making
The children recalled what the characters say in the story, then recorded this in a speech bubble. We are giving meaning to our marks.

Letters to Father Christmas
We started early making our letters to Father Christmas. The children developed their scissor skills by choosing and cutting out toys from the magazine. We then posted them off to the The North Pole.
I hope they get a reply!
Nursery Rhyme Nativity
WOW! How fantastic was our Nativity production? We are so very proud of all of our Nursery class.
Unfortunately some of our children were absent due to illness. They also put in weeks of hard work and practise so we would like to commend them as well. We have some great singers in Nursery and we missed having a full class in our production.
A huge well done to all of our fabulous angels and shepherds and to our very brave twinkling stars who went up on the big stage.
Christmas Fun and Crafts
The children have enjoyed another busy week in school and the excitement for Christmas is beginning to build! Lots of wonderful and messy Christmas activities have been taking place in Nursery and the children will bring their crafts home soon.

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Nursery worked as a team to decorate our class Christmas tree.