Spring B
Week 4
In English the children have been writing similes to describe the Enormous Crocodile. In Maths the children have been making numbers to 50 using tens and ones. In Geography we have explored the countries of the UK in more detail and created a mini booklet about the countries of the U.K. In P.E. the children enjoyed street dance with Ellie and learnt some more moves of their routine.
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Arusha
Reader of the week- Ellsie
Positive attitude of the week-Colin
Mathematician of the week- Dani
Writer of the week- Robin
Week 3
In English the children have been writing about what they like and don't about the story of the Enormous Crocodile. In Maths the children have been counting in tens and partitioning into tens and ones. In Geography we have explored the countries of the UK in more detail and created a tourist guide of a country of their choice. In P.E. the children had their first session of Street Dance and have started to learn a dance routine.
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Aurora
Reader of the week- Sunny
Positive attitude of the week-Muhamad
Mathematician of the week- Tommie
Writer of the week- Jonny
Week 2
In English the children have been writing about the clever tricks the Enormous Crocodile got up to in the story. They have also summarised the beginning middle and end of the story. In Maths the children have been subtracting and recording related number facts. In Geography we have looked at the countries of the UK, looking at the flags of each nation and national emblems. In R.E the children enjoyed acting out Psalm Sunday, waving their leaves while George and Riley were the donkey and Jesus coming into Jerusalem. The children enjoyed World Book day, coming in dressed in the pajamas or costumes.
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Riley
Reader of the week- Lennox
Positive attitude of the week-Lisa
Mathematician of the week- Daisy-Mae
Writer of the week- AJ
Week 1
In English the children have been predicting what happens in the story of the Enormous Crocodile, looking at the front cover and for clues about the story. In Maths the children have been doubling numbers and subtracting amounts. In Geography we have compared the town and the countryside, sorting the human and physical features. On Thursday the class enjoyed their Bush Craft session with Mrs. McHatton. At the end of each day the class has listened to a story read by someone from the class.
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Maddie
Reader of the week- Blake
Positive attitude of the week- Dani
Mathematician of the week- Daniel
Writer of the week- Jaxson