Autumn A
Week Eight
On Monday morning, Phase Three had workshops to find out about black women for Black History Month.
Steph had the children eating out of her hands. The learned all about black poets, actors and spies. Hatty McDaniels was the first black actor to win an Oscar for Gone With the Wind yet she was not allowed to attend the ceremony in 1939.
Week 8 in Photos
Week Seven
This week the children have been very creative making music and Viking pendants.
On Tuesday, we had a visit from Liv Almestad from Norway and the children loved asking her lots of questions about Norway and Vikings. IN the afternoon the children made Viking pendants and some were based on Thor's hammer.
Later in the week, Miss Wilson taught the children how to compose music using Chrome Music Lab where they had a go at recreating Happ0y, a song they have been learning this term.
Week 7 in Photos
Week 6
We have had a busy week doing lots of assessments this week.
On Thursday, we took a break from our assessments and had lots of fun at ‘The Hancock’ museum. We all really enjoyed looking at the Egyptians and trying to crack the code to find the objects in the museum.
We then looked at different animals and found out lots of interesting facts about each animal. We then had dice to roll which had different categories eg Omnivore and carnivores and we had to hunt for an animal that was in the category.
Next, we looked at different artefacts from different animals, we had to guess what animal the artefact came from. This was really interesting and we found it really hard to figure out what animal it was from.
Finally, we went to the planetarium we really enjoyed watching the show.
Week Five
Goodnight Mr Tom is certainly engaging the children. This week they have been writing o=there own leaflets about supporting the war effort. They have also been analysing how to set speech out correctly and then generating the rules to do this effectively.
Miss Wilson is our computing expert and the children have been building on their previous coding experience from last year.
In art, the children have refining their shading skills experimenting with stippling and cross hatching to create different depths of shading when drawing Viking dragons. Good job everyone!
Have a great weekend everyone.
Don't forget PE on Monday - white t-shirts and school sweat shirts.
Homework club is now on Wednesday lunchtimes so please don't stress over the weekend, the children can do it in school.
Week Five in Photos
Week 4
We have had a busy week this week. In science we learnt about micro organism. We even had chance to do an experiment. We found out what food yeast likes the most.
In maths we looked at worded maths problem and worked in pairs to try and find the multiple answers. In English, we have done some lovely writing.
Week 3
We have had a busy week. In maths, we have started to look at rounding numbers to 10, 100 and 1,000. We have worked really hard in English writing lovely poems and writing letters to the Prime Minster. In science we have looked at classifying plants and animals. We have lots of fun cycling this week. Even though some of us found it challenging we still had fun. Have a look at the pictures below.
Week Two
Week one of street dance and incredible what the children have achieved in one lesson. Enjoy the video below!
We have had lots of fun in science this week learning how to classify different animals eg mammals, amphibians, birds, fish and molluscs. We then took a closer look at each category and looked at the differences between the animals in that category.
Some of our Year 5 girls had the chance to go to Newcastle School Girls and research female scientist in small groups. Have a look at the pictures below.
Week One Street Dance
Week One
Welcome back everyone and what a great first week we have had.
The children have settled in well getting to grips with Roman numeral - why not ask them which letters represent which numbers.
I =1 V = 5 X = 10 L=50 C = 100 D = 1000 and M = 1000
We also started reading our new class text - Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian.
It was lovely to see most of the children in correct PE kit which is a white t-shirt and black shorts/leggings. PE lesson are on Mondays and Fridays.
The children have had homework and this is due in by Friday the 15th. However the children are more than welcome to bring it in before if they have finished it.
In November, we are having a Spelling Bee competition with Knoplaw Primary School and we have to beat them. I have attached a copy of the spellings the children need to learn for the competition. We may even have a teacher round.
Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine.
Kind regards
Miss Croll and Miss Wilson