Autumn A
Week 8
Year Four have been concluding their work in length and perimeter, this week. They have grown in confidence and are able to find missing lengths of a shape, using the given mathematical clues, as well as finding the perimeter of various shapes.
The Halloween disco was a great success! The children looked amazing in their outfits and thoroughly enjoyed their party food and music.
On the same theme, the children created Halloween art; using paint to conjure up a spooky painting.
Please help us celebrate the children's achievements this half term. Certificates have been awarded to Scarlett Thompson for her haunted ghost story, Nolan Loxley for keeping us gripped with his expressive reading, Eli Daff for working hard in all of his lessons and all of Year 4 for their amazing times tables results this half term. Well done!
Week 7
We all enjoyed a sunny afternoon in the Bush Craft area this Monday. We worked really hard to move bark chippings from the yard into the Bush Craft area to prepare the pathways ready for winter. As a reward for all of our hard work Mrs McHatton gave us some time to explore the bush craft area where we looked at the changes that are happening there with it being well into Autumn.
In science we continued our investigation into which drinks cause the most tooth decay. We had left the eggs in the different drinks for a week and they were starting to smell not so good and look not so good. We carefully took them out one by one and examined them. We were really shocked to discover that the fresh orange juice and milk had caused the most damage to the egg shell but not so shocked that the water had caused the least damage. We were really surprised that the full sugar coke had caused the least damage after the water and that the full sugar coke was a better choice than the Coke Zero. We found out that this was because the Coke Zero used acid to replace some of the flavouring from sugar and acid attacks the teeth (or in this case the egg shell) straight away and so was more damaging than sugar.
Please help us celebrate outstanding work in school. This week, certificates have been awarded to Mihindi Evinya and Octavia Mitchell. Congratulations!
Week 6
This week we have continued learning about the Egyptians and their beliefs. We learned that when the Ancient Egyptians died they were mummified. We decided to try out mummification on a Tomato. First we cut it in half and scooped out the insides. Then we cleaned the tomato and then added a mixture of salt and bicarbonate of soda. Finally we wrapped it tightly in bandages just like the Egyptians did. We are going to observe them every few days over the next couple of weeks.
We have started a new topic in science about teeth and the digestive system. We began the topic with a question of Do sugary drinks cause tooth decay? To investigate this we had to decide what to change and what to keep the same. We decided that we would change the type of drink to investigate and decided to investigate full sugar coke, coke zero, milk, apple juice, orange juice, blackcurrant juice and water. We decided to keep the size of the cup the same and the volume of drink in each cup. We didn't have any spare teeth so we decided to put an egg into each of the cups as the shell is made of a similar material to teeth. We are going to observe the eggs every day over the next week or so and record our findings. We will let you know what we find out!
Week 5
This week we have been continuing to learn about place value. We have been comparing and ordering numbers using place value boards and manipulatives.
In History we have been continuing our topic about the Ancient Egyptians and have been learning why they built pyramids and what their beliefs were about the Afterlife.
Week 4
This week we have been continuing Out Social, Emotional and Mental health art program. We talked about the emotion of anger and fear then we produces our own individual piece of art selecting a range of different mediums.
Week 3
In Maths this week, we have been continuing to develop our knowledge and understanding of Place Value in 4 digit numbers. We have been learning how to represent 4 digit numbers in different ways using base ten, place value counters on a Gattegno chart remembering to use zero as a place holder where we needed to so that we still created 4 digit numbers.
In bush-craft, we went into the orchard and harvested the beautiful apples that had grown. This year there was quite the harvest and we all enjoyed a little taste and were surprised at how sweet and juicy they actually were!
Week 2
This week we started a new topic in history called What did the Egyptians believe and Why?
We began the topic by developing our understanding of time lines and the passage of time by placing different events that occurred before, during and after the time of the Ancient Egyptians. Some events were difficult to place as they happened at the same time but in different places so we worked out that we needed to work as a team to place events below the timeline if they were Egyptian history and above the time line if they were from different civilisations. We also had to make sure we worked well in our teams using our oracy skills to discuss the time line ensuring we listened to others and were open to their ideas in order to complete the time line correctly.
Week 1
Welcome back!
We had a super start to year 4 and are already working really hard to extend our learning and to be the best we can.
In Art we have begun a unit on Social Emotional and mental health to improve our own Well being and develop our skills to use art to express ourselves and our emotions. We have enjoyed having free choice, freedom and space to produce our own pieces of unique art.
We have also been working hard to develop our Oracy skills by discussing what we thought were the most important rules in school justifying our choices and ensuring we listened to others respectfully keeping and open mind. We had real fun and were even able to persuade others to change their minds!