Autumn Term B
Week 4
Year 3 have been very creative this week! They created their own paper mosaics and designed and painted Roman shields for our Roman Art topic. They continued column addition in maths and also worked very hard on Reading Plus.
Week 3
This week was anti-bullying week in school. The children took part in an assembly, created posters and designed a pair of odd socks. Our anti-bullying buddies were also trained by the ambassadors this week. In Bushcraft, the children learned how to use a bow saw. They were very sensible and we were impressed with their teamwork! We celebrated Children In Need on Friday, wearing our own clothes for a donation and completing various Pudsey themed activities.
Week 2
This week, the children have been very busy working on our Remembrance assembly. Phase 2 have written some amazing acrostic poems. We hope you enjoy listening to some of them! The children also created some poppies using a collage technique. We think they look really effective! In computing, the children used the 2code program. They created backgrounds and characters and then had to input a code to make their characters make sounds or move.
Remembrance poems

Remembrance poems

Remembrance poems

Remembrance poems

Remembrance poems

Week 1
We visited Kirkley Hall this week and learned about why we need trees and what the different types are. The children also took part in a competition for our Hedgehog Awareness day. They created some amazing artwork. We had lots of fun at the Halloween disco, and even managed to fit in some addition in maths and started our new English text ‘How to train your dragon’. We were exhausted after such a busy week!