Spring Term B
Week 5
This week the class have enjoyed making pizzas in DT. They tasted and evaluated 3 ready made pizzas. Then they designed made and ate their own pizza before evaluating it. In Maths the children have been using balance scales to investigate different ways to make 10 and 20 with the numicon. The class enjoyed making an Easter card with Mrs McHatton on Tuesday as the weather was too wet and miserable for bush craft. On Thursday the children wrote a missing dragon poster from the story The Dragon Machine and in the afternoon made their own dragon eggs.

Week 4
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Macie-Leigh
Mathematician of the week-Harry
Positive attitude of the week- Malik
Writer of the week- Theo
Reader of the week- Ali
Week 4
In English this week the children have been writing instructions and an explanation on how to fly the dragon machine. In Maths we have continued to measure accurately with a ruler. In R.E we have been sequencing the Easter Story and creating our class acrostic Easter poem as well as creating our patterned Easter eggs. In P.E. the class enjoyed learning their dance routine and on Tuesday they went for a walk to look for signs of Spring.

Week 3
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Miley
Mathematician of the week-Ben
Positive attitude of the week- Octavia
Writer of the week- Lacey
Reader of the week- Dolcie
Week 3
In year 1-2 this week the children have enjoyed street dance in P.E learning a routine and taking part in team games. In Maths we have been measuring using non standard measure and using rulers to measure in cms. In English the children have been describing the Dragon Machine using similes. In History the class have been very interested in World War 1 and the use of animals throughout the war, including communication and the vital role some animals had. For Mothers Day the children created a card with Mrs McHatton. In Computing the children are creating a story using the 2 simple story program, drawing and typing their stories.

Week 2
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Eli
Mathematician of the week-Owen
Positive attitude of the week- Nathan
Writer of the week- Amelia
Reader of the week- Sean
Week 2
On Monday the class enjoyed taking part in the trial of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, listening to and looking at the evidence in court. Before passing judgement and finding her guilty of trespassing, stealing and breaking Baby Bear's chair. The children then took part in an acting workshop. In P.E. the class enjoyed their first lesson in street dance. In English we have been writing a setting description of the Tin Forest. In Maths the children have been measuring using rulers and a metre stick. In History the children have started learning about how communication has changed since World War 1.

Week 1
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Ali
Mathematician of the week- Kacey
Positive attitude of the week- Jacob
Writer of the week- Charlie
Reader of the week- Theo
Week 1
The children have worked very hard during the first week back after half-term. In English we have been predicting and building vocabulary around the story of the Tin Forest by Helen Ward. In Maths we have been counting in tens using deines and partitioning two digit numbers into tens and ones. In Science we are revisiting Seasonal Changes, looking for signs of Spring and completing a pictogram to show the amount of daylight in each season. The children really enjoyed dressing as their favourite character for World Book Day.