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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn A

Week 5

The children have had a great week this week. They enjoyed counting down to our trip and had a wonderful day when it finally arrived. The ladies at Washington Wetland commended the children on their enthusiasm and behaviour, it was a pleasure to take the class out. We all had a wonderful day. The rest of the week has been busy, learning how to compare numbers, writing sentences and learning how to log on to the iPads. 


Meeting Ava, exploring and lunch

Comparing numbers and amounts

Week 4

We have been reading Giraffes can’t dance and writing sentences about Gerald the giraffe. We enjoyed our music session learning music vocabulary like dynamics, beat and crescendo. In maths we have been counting backwards, giving one more or less and comparing amounts.

One more, one less using numicon

One more, one less jumping along a number line

Ordering words into sentences


Still image for this video

Keeping a beat

Still image for this video

Week 3

The children have had another busy week in school. This week they have been creating Wanted posters for The big, bad wolf who even visited our classroom. In maths the children have been reading and writing numbers and counting forwards. In science they have been investigating how we grow as we get older. 

The big, bad wolf

Showing different representations of number

Matching words and numbers

Counting forwards

Music Storymakers

Week 2

Wow, the children have been working so hard this week. They have retold the story of The Three Little Pigs using puppets and sequencing pictures. In maths they have been sorting objects and counting. They really enjoyed our number hunt.

Sorting objects

Week 1

The children have had a wonderful first week back in school. They look so smart in their uniform and have returned to school ready to learn. They have worked hard writing their holiday news, practising their number formation and they have created super self portraits. We had a great first P.E. session too. The children really enjoyed our Snuggle and Read session. Thank you to all the parents and careers who were able to make it. 


Back to school
