Autumn Term B
Curriculum Letter for Parents Autumn B
Week 6
Our Computing Unit has been focusing on e-safety and the children have been learning all about their digital footprint. It really gave the children something to think about. Later in the week we also created a class database around screen time. It is vital that we all keep our children safe on and off line.
The children have also been making their calendars and you could have heard a pin drop as the children were so engaged.
Enjoy the photos of this week's PE session where we have had a focus on fitness.
Week 5
This week the children have filmed their part for this year's Christmas video so watch this space. We began the week by learning about earthquakes and tectonic plate which was fascinating.
In Maths, we have been getting to grips with dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 so why not ask you child a few
Week 4
This week the children have been treated to another visit by the River Trust. They were studying river management and how farming can effect the management of rivers. The children then created their own river diagrams. Simone, from the River Trust, was very knowledgeable and imparted a great deal of fascinating facts and information to the children in Year 5.
Today the children finished off the week with a trip to the cinema to see River Cruise. The children were buzzing and rated it unanimously, 10 out of 101
Week 3
This week the children have been getting to grips with square and cube numbers in Maths.
We have finished our class text 'There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom' which has generated some lovely pieces of writing. It has also linked to Anti Bullying Week as the main character, Bradley Chalkers, used to be a bully and throughout the book he changes and becomes a friend to everyone.
Finally, we spent Friday afternoon in the Bushcraft area. What a great way to finish the week, that and dressing up for Children in Need.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Week 2
This week the children have had a visit from The National River Trust on Tuesday morning and they had a great time.
Also the children have been continuing to deepen their knowledge of Extreme Earth where they were learning about the water cycle and droughts.
Below are the children's video presentations about how the character Bradley Chalker has changed throughout the text 'There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom. I was so proud of all of them. Go Year 5!
Miss Croll
Our Water Cycle Models
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Week 1
This week Year 5 have been getting to grips with multiples and factors. They have been using arrays to help develop their understanding further and why certain numbers are not factors and others are. Why not ask the children to explain factor pairs for 10, 20 and 30.
To introduce our new Geography topic ‘Extreme Earth’ the children went on a fact hunt. See how many facts they can tell you from the hunt so they can ‘know more, remember more’ about what they are learning.
The children have been preparing for Remembrance Day by writing messages for a Remembrance Garden. We finished off the week in the Bushcraft Area where Karen from Tesco came to present the school with a £500 cheque to enhance the space further.
This week’s homework spellings have been uploaded to Seesaw so please have a look and learn these modal verbs.
What a first week! Enjoy the weekend!
Miss Croll