Autumn Term B
Week 7
It's Christmas!
We have had an excitable and enjoyable this week running up to the Christmas holidays. We've partied hard, solved Christmas maths mysteries and be cleverly creative making cards and calendars. We are super excited for Santa coming too! We hope all of our family and friends have a very Merry Christmas and a wish everyone happiness and good health for 2020.
Week 6
Christmas is officially here!
This week we performed our annual Christmas Play. This year our show was Stable Manners, the story of selfish, grumpy animals who learn the error of their ways with the arrival of Mary and Joseph and the birth of the baby Jesus. The children's hard work practising really paid of and their performance was fantastic. They enjoyed themselves enormously and no one broke a leg!
Then on Thursday Santa visited us in the Bush Craft Grotto giving everyone presents. Then we had hot chocolate around the fire. It really was beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Week 5
Times Tables Rock Stars!
This week we have been working really hard to learn our times tables in Year 3/4. We have been practising on Times tables Rock Start App racing against the clock to recall times tables facts and beat our highest scores!
Time Table Rock Stars
Week 4
Bush Craft Skills in Year 3-4
Despite the awful weather this week, we have still been developing our Bush Craft skills in the classroom. We have learned how to tie a clove hitch knot and then we used lashing and frapping skills to attach the willow branches together. Some of us even got our Christmas stars completely finished. It was a tricky but fun skill to develop and no one managed to tie themselves up either!