Spring A
Week 3
In class this week the children have written their own version of the Gingerbread man story. In Maths the year 1 children have been ordering numbers smallest to largest and then largest to smallest. The year two children have been comparing amounts of money and finding change. In Science the children had fun building bridges with paper and cardboard and testing which would support the most weight. In P.E the class have had fun using the apparatus in gymnastics.
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Joshua
Mathematician of the week- Lenny
Positive attitude of the week- Mia
Writer of the week- Orobosa
Reader of the week- Emery
Week 2
In class this week the children have continued with the story of the Gingerbread Man, writing about what the Gingerbread Man said when he ran throughout the story. The children have also sequenced which characters he met using time words. In Maths the we are focusing on numbers to 20 for the year one children, finding one more and one less. They have also estimated numbers on a number line. The year two children have started to learn about money, counting amounts using pence and pounds. In Science the class went for a walk outside to identify what materials they could find. On Wednesday afternoon the children decorated Gingerbread men, ready to write instructions.
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Kendall
Mathematician of the week- Lylah
Positive attitude of the week- Theo
Writer of the week- Mevinu
Reader of the week- Leon
Week 1
Welcome back everyone after the Christmas Break. The children have come back refreshed and ready to learn. In English we have started to explore the story of the Gingerbread man, sequencing the story and matching vocabulary. In Maths the we are focusing on numbers to 20 for the year one children and lines of symmetry for the year twos. We have started a new unit in Science and we are investigating everyday materials. In P.E we have begun our next unit gymnastics.
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Ellis
Mathematician of the week- Ivy
Positive attitude of the week- Darcy
Writer of the week- Maisie
Reader of the week- Amelia