Summer Term B
Week 6
The children worked hard creating their own story based on ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. They enjoyed playing a fraction game and they can give you half and a quarter of a number or shape.
Week 5
The children have enjoyed finding out how different puppets move. They enjoyed making a character from Punch and Judy.
Week 4
The children have been continuing their work on fractions. They are having a wonderful time during their cycle sessions. They enjoyed ordering pictures and creating their own story based on our new book.
Week 3
This week the children have been busy learning about fractions. They know what a half is and they have been halving numbers too. In English we have been writing a description of a storm and rewriting ‘The Storm Whale’. They enjoyed a great bushcraft session too.
Week 2
Another great busy week in Year 2. We have begun reading ‘The Storm Whale’ and are looking forward to finding out what happens next week. We have been detectives in history, looking at seaside holidays from 100 years ago, to when our grandparents were children and now.
Week 1
The children have had a great week back after the holidays. On Wednesday we had an art day, where we learnt to mix primary colours to make secondary colours. We learnt how to experiment with tone, making colours lighter and darker. The children explored warm and cold colours and used these to paint a super sunset picture.
The children had an amazing time in bushcraft, cooking pizza on the fire and muffins in oranges on the fire.