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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Pupil Premium

Impact of Pupil Premium and Other Funding



During the academic year 2015 to 2016, we used levels related to the new National Curriculum alongside Are Relate Expectations (ARE) in order to assess children’s achievement. Since September 2016 we have used ARE in order to set children’s targets and also to monitor their progress and attainment,



2009-2010 – SEN  3.6 APS progress     3.5 APS progress as a school
2010-2011 – SEN  4.0 APS progress     3.7 APS progress as a school
2011-2012 – SEN  4.6 APS progress     3.9 APS progress as a school
2012-2013 -  SEN 4.3 APS progress      4.2 APS progress as a school
2013-2014  - SEN 3.6 APS (3.9 APS – Y3 SEN cohort) 3.8 APS progress as a school
2014- 2015 – SEN 3.7 APS (4.0 APS – Y4 cohort)      4.0 APS progress as a school
2015-2016 –  SEN 3.5 APS progress    4.3 APS progress as a school


2016-2017 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums
SEN 51% progress        67% progress as a school


2017-2018 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums

SEN 56% progress        66% progress as a school


2018-2019 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums

SEN 62% progress        69% progress as a school


2019-2020 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums

2020 Data - NB No end of year data due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Feb 2020 Internal data (As per T2 HT1 Data Overview)

Sep 2019-Feb 2020 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums

SEN 37% progress        46% progress as a school


2020-2021 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums

2021 Data - NB No end of year external data due to COVID-19 Pandemic

July 2021 Internal data (As per T3 HT2 Data Overview)

SEN 46% progress        52% progress as a school


July 2022 Internal data (As per T3 HT2 Data Overview)

SEN 49% progress        58% progress as a school


July 2023 Internal data (As per T3 HT2 Data Overview)

SEN 46% progress        58% progress as a school


July 2024 Internal data (As per T3 HT2 Data Overview)

SEN 44% progress        55% progress as a school




Pupil Premium Grant (Includes Free School Meals children)



At WDPS we utilise Pupil Premium to provide a Teaching Assistant (TA) in each class each morning and to provide bespoke interventions for individual children and for groups of children. The school has also invested in Lexia, RM Maths and RWI in order to combat any inequalities between Free School Meal (FSM) children and those children not in receipt of FSM.


Teachers complete a Class Profile Proforma at the beginning of the year to ensure they are aware of the needs/circumstances of all children including the FSM children.
Teachers are given time for 1 to 1 meeting times with children (Assertive Mentoring) to ensure all children are aware of their targets and that they also know what they have to do to make progress. Teachers then share these targets with parents at Open Evenings.

2009-2010 - FSM 3.7 APS progress     3.5 APS progress as a school
2010-2011 - FSM 3.7 APS progress     3.7 APS progress as a school
2011-2012 - FSM 4.0 APS progress     3.9 APS progress as a school
2012-2013 - FSM 4.3 APS progress     4.2 APS progress as a school
2013-2014 - FSM 3.9 APS Progress     3.8 APS as a school
2014-2015 - FSM 3.7 APS progress     4.0 APS progress as a school
2015-2016 – FSM 4.2 APS Progress     4.3 APS as a school


2016-2017 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums

Pupil Premium 65% progress         66% progress as a school


2017-2018 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums
Pupil Premium 64% progress         66% progress as a school


2018-2019 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums
Pupil Premium 67% progress         69% progress as a school


Sep 2019-Feb 2020 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums

2020 Data - NB No external data due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Feb 2020 Internal data (As per T2 HT1 Data Overview)

Pupil Premium 44% progress         46% progress as a school


2020-2021 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums

2021 Data - NB No external data due to COVID-19 Pandemic

July 2021 Internal data (As per T3 HT2 Data Overview)
Pupil Premium 48% progress         52% progress as a school


2021-2022 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums
Pupil Premium 55% progress         58% progress as a school


2022-2023 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums
Pupil Premium 54% progress         58% progress as a school


2023-2024 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums
Pupil Premium 52% progress         55% progress as a school


Pupil Premium Allocation


FSM achieved above the school APS progress.


Also additional Teaching Assistants have been employed to support individuals or small groups of children in the classroom setting in the Foundation Stage. WDPS has also invested in a Foundation Stage Interactive Learning Journey in order to engage all families in their children’s learning.


In addition to the above:


  • Extra small group and individual support through teaching assistant and teacher extra hours
  • Subsidising educational trips
  • Broadening curriculum opportunities
  • Improving resources in school
  • Supply teachers – release teachers for interventions
  • Develop Outdoor Learning Environment (FS, KS1 and KS2)
  • Release SENDCO to identify individual needs earlier
  • Parent Information Boards – signposting
  • Investing in WDPS Life Skills Challenge including WDPS Cycle


In addition to the above:


  • Additional interventions for  individual children  and small groups of children by teachers and teaching assistants
  • Educational Psychologist support
  • Upgrade Maths resources
  • Family Support Worker support
  • Broaden WDPS Life Skills Challenge and WDPS Cycle opportunities
  • Investment in Lexia resources
  • Improve the outdoor learning environment
  • Develop a Nurture Unit


2015 – 2016
In addition to the above:


  • Investment in a new reading scheme
  • Broaden WDPS Life Skills Challenge and WDPS Cycle opportunities
  • Contribution towards an  all-weather running and mountain bike trail
  • Development of a bushcraft area


2016 – 2017





Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - 2019-2020

WDPS Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - 2020-2021 - (Click PDF icon below to download)

WDPS Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - 2021-2022 - 22-07-22

WDPS Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - 2022-2023 - 09-01-23

WDPS Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - 2023-2024 - 26-10-23

WDPS Pupil Premium Strategy Statement - 2024-2025 - 20-07-24
