Pupil Premium
Impact of Pupil Premium and Other Funding
Since September 2016 we have used ARE in order to set children’s targets and also to monitor their progress and attainment,
July 2021 Internal data (As per T3 HT2 Data Overview)
SEN 46% progress 52% progress as a school
July 2022 Internal data (As per T3 HT2 Data Overview)
SEN 49% progress 58% progress as a school
July 2023 Internal data (As per T3 HT2 Data Overview)
SEN 46% progress 58% progress as a school
July 2024 Internal data (As per T3 HT2 Data Overview)
SEN 44% progress 55% progress as a school
Pupil Premium Grant (Includes Free School Meals children)
At WDPS we utilise Pupil Premium to provide a Teaching Assistant (TA) in each class each morning and to provide bespoke interventions for individual children and for groups of children. The school has also invested in Lexia, RM Maths and RWI in order to combat any inequalities between Free School Meal (FSM) children and those children not in receipt of FSM.
Teachers complete a Class Profile Proforma at the beginning of the year to ensure they are aware of the needs/circumstances of all children including the FSM children.
2021 Data - NB No external data due to COVID-19 Pandemic
July 2021 Internal data (As per T3 HT2 Data Overview)
Pupil Premium 48% progress 52% progress as a school
2021-2022 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums
Pupil Premium 55% progress 58% progress as a school
2022-2023 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums
Pupil Premium 54% progress 58% progress as a school
2023-2024 ARE Progress within Year Group Curriculums
Pupil Premium 52% progress 55% progress as a school
Pupil Premium Allocation