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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Spring A

Week 6


In English the children have been writing similes.   In Maths the children have been using number facts to 10 to extend to number facts to 20.  In Science the children completed a paper building challenge, constructing a bridge to support compare bears.  In Art the children drew their own tree of life, adding things that were important to them. The class have continued to enjoy Yoga and learning new positions and poses.

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week-  Daisy

Reader of the week- Harry

Positive attitude of the week- Hanni

Mathematician of the week- Jacob

Writer of the week-  Paige

Week 5


In English the children have been writing a character description. describing the wooly mammoth from the story.    In Maths the children have been comparing amounts and numbers to 20.  In Science the class bent, twisted, stretched and squashed a variety of objects to see if they could change.  In Art the children did paper weaving and created a heart, weaving the paper together. The class have continued to enjoy Yoga and learning new positions and poses.

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week-  Lisa

Reader of the week- Riley

Positive attitude of the week- Ellsie

Mathematician of the week- Sunny

Writer of the week-  Arusha

Week 4


In English the children have written facts about Woolly Mammoths.   In Maths the class have identified numbers on a number line. The children enjoyed testing different materials and to see which were waterproof. In Art the children did paper weaving and created their own patterns. The class have continued to enjoy Yoga and learning new positions and poses.

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week-  Robin

Reader of the week- Colin

Positive attitude of the week- Tommie

Mathematician of the week- Maddie

Writer of the week-  A J

Week 3


In English the class enjoyed the story of How to wash a Wooly Mammoth and have written their own instructions.   In Maths the children have moved onto place value to numbers to 20, including writing them in words and representing them with apparatus . We have started a new topic in Science, learning about the uses of every day materials. The children enjoyed performing an experiment and testing a  variety of papers. In Art the children created a caterpillar by folding two strips of paper together. The class have continued to enjoy Yoga and learning new positions and poses.

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week-  Carter

Reader of the week- Muhammad

Positive attitude of the week- Daniel

Mathematician of the week- Harry

Writer of the week-  Kamara

Week 2


In English the children have been writing instructions on how to wash your hands.   In Maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties, including edges, faces and vertices.  In History we have continued to investigate toys from the past and the class enjoyed talking about their teddy bear they had brought in from home.   In P.E. the class enjoyed Yoga and learning new positions and posing in them on the mats. 

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week-  Blake

Reader of the week- Paige

Positive attitude of the week- Lennox

Mathematician of the week- Jonny

Writer of the week- Daniel

Week 1

Welcome back to the New Year!

The children have come back and had a great start to the new term.  In English we are writing instructions using time openers.  In Maths we have been learning about 2D shapes.  In History we have started to learn about toys from the past.  In P.E. the class enjoyed Yoga and learning monkey positions.

Stars of the Week

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week-  Jaxson

Reader of the week- Arusha

Positive attitude of the week- Robin

Mathematician of the week- George

Writer of the week- Sunny


