Summer Term B
Week 7
What can I say, what a year! It has been an absolute privilege to have been the teacher for this group of exceptional children - thank you!
We have not take our foot off the pedal this week as the children have been getting to grips with the Impressionist artist - Claud Monet.
Please have a lovely summer and stay safe!
All the best, Miss Croll and Mrs Sutcliffe
Week 6
This week, Year 5 have been continuing developing their Geography skills by learning all about the seas and oceans around the UK as well as its rivers. In Science, the children have been applying their knowledge of electricity and skills to create fun games involving a buzzer.
Week 5
This week the children have been extending their knowledge of the UK to find out all about the mountains and their elevations. Also the children have finished the gripping book 'Clockwork' by Philip Pullman which had everyone on the edge of their seats. On Friday, we were back in the allotments sampling the ripe strawberries and some wonderful amber raspberries - yummy!
Have a great weekend!

Week 4
On Tuesday, Year 5 read and recited a poem on a battle that happened during 1854. It was called ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ written 6 weeks after it happened by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. The class split up into groups and each recited one stanza. The class read their lines over and over until they knew them by heart. We hope you enjoy our class performance of this classic poem!
Written by Thomas Hanson
The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Week 3
It might have been wet today yet that did not dampen year 5 as they practised their knots during Life Skills.
Week 1 and 2
What a flying start to this half term. The children have been doing their summer assessments and they have been working so hard. Also they have spent a morning in the allotments as well as starting a new topic of Geometry in Maths. Please enjoy some of their short burst writing and a couple of assessment pieces.
