Spring B
Week 5
This week, the eggs arrived. We were so lucky to watch the chicks hatch during the school day. Reception are looking after them; giving them food and water every day and cuddles. They are so fluffy and small!
This week we continued our topic of Spring. We learned about the different ways that Christian’s celebrate Easter and about the significance of items linked to Easter such as chocolate eggs, hot cross buns and the cross. Reception listened to the Easter story and why Christians celebrate this time of year. Throughout the week we enjoyed a range of Easter activities such as tasting hot cross buns, singing Easter songs and finished the week with an Easter egg hunt.
Week 4
Easter Assembly and Craft Workshop
Thank you parents and carers for your continued support!
Week 3
Oi Frog
The children loved reading the book "Oi Frog" by Kes Gray this week. They had a good giggle at flea's sitting on peas and dogs sitting on frogs and loved making up some of their own versions. We practised our rhyming skills while matching pictures, playing rhyming bingo.
Fine Motor Frogs 🐸
Red Nose Day
Thank you for your generous donations for this fantastic charity!
Staircase Pattern
We have been developing our knowledge of the counting sequence. Verbally counting beyond 20 noticing the repeating pattern of the ‘1’s’. Reception made their own Numberblocks. There was a ’1 more’ staircase pattern and a ’5 and a bit’ pattern.
Week 2
World Book Day
Today Miss Knowles opened the Reception door, not to the children we were expecting but to lots of wonderful book characters!
Don't forget the children can cash in their £1 book vouchers in bookshops.
Snuggle and Read
We listened to grown ups share their favourite stories, while enjoying a cup of hot chocolate.
We read the story of Elmer and discussed how everyone is unique in their own way. The children enjoyed making patchwork elephant collages as part of our world book day celebration.
Week 1
The Gruffalo
Our story of the week is "The Gruffalo" by Julia Donaldson. We made a delicious Gruffalo crumble. Can you spot the purple prickles, orange eyes, knobbly knees, black tongue, brown fur, poisonous green wart and terrible tusks?