Summer Term B
Week 4
On Friday morning we invited parents and carers into school to see what our Phase 3 children get up to in their Life Skills Challenge Award sessions. Our class spent time weeding the allotments and picking raspberries and strawberries. We were surprised by how many strawberries we could find as the Phase 1 and 2 children had picked some already this week. We also made paracord people in the bushcraft area and toasted marshmallows over the fire to make smores. The highlight of the morning was eating freshly cooked pizza from our pizza oven - thank you Mr Hull for cooking it for us!
Thank you to all the parents, carers and other family members who came into school this morning. We hope you had a good morning!
Our year 6 pupils enjoyed the fourth of their mountain biking sessions and, this week, our year 5 pupils were also lucky enough to get another session. We learnt about points of contact and how reducing the number of them (e.g. by taking a hand off the handlebars) can affect balance. We practised high fiving one another and passing a bottle between pairs, as well as trying to get it either in a bucket or standing on a box. It is great to see how our pupils' confidence on a mountain bike is progressing week on week.
Week 1 and 2
This half term year 6 have the fantastic opportunity of improving their mountain biking skills through a series of coaching sessions with Ben of Skaife CC MTB Coaching. Last week our year 5s were also lucky enough to participate in one session. All the pupils enjoyed learning how to navigate ramps safely; they also had fun playing games such as King/Queen of the Ring.