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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Summer A

Week 6


In English the children have written a character description of the Giant from Jack and the Beanstalk. In Maths the class have been sharing amounts into equal groups.   In Geography we have learnt about the Massai tribe in Kenya and created a map of a national park. In Art the children enjoyed creating an African sunset including silhouettes.  l.  In P.E the class had fun practicing  their throwing and catching. 

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Carter

Reader of the week- Harry

Positive attitude of the week-Daisy-Mae

Mathematician of the week- AJ

Writer of the week-  Lisa

Week 5


In English the children have written a setting description of what Jack saw at the top of the beanstalk. In Maths the class have been making arrays, counting the rows and the columns.   In Geography we have starting to explore Kenya. In Art the children enjoyed making an African mask and adding detail.  In P.E the class had fun practicing  their throwing and catching. 

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Tommie

Reader of the week- Dani

Positive attitude of the week-George

Mathematician of the week- Daisy

Writer of the week-  Paige

Week 4


In English the children have been writing their own version of Jack and the Beanstalk using the story line and changing the characters and events of the story. In Maths the class have been counting in 2s'5s and 10's.    In Science the children enjoyed looking at the results of their cress seed planting. In Art the children used oil pastels to create an African mask using patterns. In Computing we have been creating pictures in the the style of Piet Mondrian. 

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Ava-Mae

Reader of the week- Blake

Positive attitude of the week-Riley

Mathematician of the week- Arusha

Writer of the week-  Sunny

Week 3


In Maths the children have been investigating capacity including, comparing and ordering volume and measuring using cups. We have started the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, sequencing and retelling the events of the story.   In Science the children planted cress seeds and learnt about what a seed needs to grow. In Art the class completed observational drawings of African tribal masks.

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Maddie

Reader of the week- Jaxson

Positive attitude of the week-Lennox

Mathematician of the week- Daniel

Writer of the week-  Jonny

Week 2


In Maths the children have been measuring using balance scales and measuring the weight of objects in the class.  In Science the class have looked at common plants in the U.K and learnt about evergreen and deciduous trees.  On Wednesday the class enjoyed dressing up in red and yellow for Spanish day and learning how to count to 10.  In Art we have created some African patterns influenced by the colours shapes and wildlife in Africa. 

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week- Daisy-Mae

Reader of the week- AJ

Positive attitude of the week-Robin

Mathematician of the week- Lisa

Writer of the week-  Paige

Week 1


In Maths the children have been measuring using non-standard and standard units of measure.  In Science we have started a new topic learning about plants.  The children constructed a plant and labelled the different parts.  On Wednesday the class enjoyed a visit to Kirkley Hall Zoo, where they had some close encounters with some of the animals.  

Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.

Learner of the week-  Sunny

Reader of the week- Muhammad

Positive attitude of the week-Harry

Mathematician of the week- Colin

Writer of the week-  Tommie
