Spring Term B
Week 4
This week in Math's, we have been learning all about the perimeter of shapes and how to calculate it. In English, we have learnt how to write an explanation text to answer our question 'How Earthquakes happen?' In PE, we learnt how to aim by throwing bean bags through a moving target, so we have good aim in dodge ball next week. In Science, we have had fun investigating what is a force and how magnets behave. Have a look at our investigations below.
Week 3
This week we had so much fun making moving monsters to do this we made 'pneumatic systems' with a syringe, balloon, tube and elastic band. We also enjoyed planting trees in our local area our boots were covered in mud. Have a look at the pictures below:
Week 2
We have had another busy week. We really enjoyed going to court and deciding if the wolf was guilty or not. In Maths, we started looking at how we measure different things using cm, m and mm. In English, we started looking at our new book and investigating the features on a non-fiction text. In History, we finished learning about the Anglo-Saxons we even looked at different items that could be found in a burial ship.
Week 1
We have had busy first week back. In Math's, we have learnt all about how to use the bus stop method in division. In English, we have wrote a newspaper report about the battle of strength between The Iron Man and The Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon. We loved dressing up for World Book Day all of the costumes were amazing. In Bushcraft, we made some beautiful clay sculptures.