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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Fun Easter Holiday Ideas

It’s the Easter holidays now, so you’ll be glad to hear that I’m not setting you anymore homework or learning tasks until the 20th of April, so enjoy your holidays.


If you are bored though, try doing some fun activities with your family. If you’re not sure what to do try some of these ideas:


  • Make a treasure hunt with clues around the house for a brother/sister or family member.
  • Plant an apple seed.
  • Make a band using your grown ups pots and pans and any bits you can find around the house.
  • Save your boxes and design and make a robot.
  • Design and draw an old treasure map using a wet tea bag to stain it.
  • Write a book review of one of the books you have taken home.
  • Play board games. They are fab. I’m playing loads with my Bradley. I’m not happy though as he keeps winning!
  • Bake a cake with your adults.
  • Make crispy cakes with your adults.
  • Go on a nature walk and find as many leaves as you can and do some bark rubbing with a crayon or pencil. Count and record how many different animals and insects you see. So far Brad and I have seen a fox, 2 deers, 3 mice, one rat, lots and lots of birds including a wood pecker, butterflies, flies, ants and too many spiders! 1 was even in the bath!!!! Luckily I had a glass and safely put it outside.
  • Build a den or cave in your house.
  • If you have paints do some finger painting. You can make paint using flour water and food colouring.
  • Take your pencil for a walk on paper and then colour in the patterns.
  • Make your own board game and play it with your family.
  • Blair Drummond Safari Park are streaming live videos where you can learn about a different animal each week. Whitehouse Farm is also sharing regular videos of lots of their animals, and Chester Zoo has online resources and activities available.


There are lots of other ideas on the internet if you google fun things for kids to do.
