Autumn A
Week 7
After a hard week of assessments last week we have been enjoying a more relaxed week. We enjoyed our music lesson on Thursday learning about percussion instruments and beat and rhythm. We all got to choose our own percussion instruments and then we composed a piece of music using symbols and pictures to represent different beats and rhythms. We took a little time to practice and then we performed in groups.
We then went on to use an online program called chrome music maker to see if we could compose given songs. Mrs Wood asked us to see if we could reproduce Baby Shark. We were all really excited and thought it would be really easy but it was quite tricky but we eventually got there!
This weeks stars of the week were Amelia and Rory. Eli, Isla and Willam also got certificates this week.
Week 5
This week we started our new Design Technology topic of Sandwich Snacks. We began by thinking about and voting for our favourite types of bread and sandwich filling. Then we did a tally count for each one and put the results into a bar graph. After this we examined the data and answered a range of questions.
The following day we sampled a range of different breads and fillings and put them in order from favourite to least favourite. The humus and Marmite made our faces do some very strange things as you can see in the photographs!
In our English lessons we received and Email from Mr Willy Wonka asking if we could design some adverts for his new chocolate bar ( he had heard how brilliant we are at writing adverts!). He also sent us some delicious samples of his latest chocolate bar to try. The samples certainly got our creative juices flowing and we came up with some wonderful adverts including similes, metaphors and even personification!
In art we were examining Kandinski's circles pictures and reproduced our own versions of it using water colours. We experimented with the tone of the colour by adding darker and lighter colours. We certainly have some budding artists in our class this year.
Week 4
This week we have been continuing our topic about moving and growing. This week we were investigating whether or not people with longer femurs could jump further. To start off we all predicted whether longer femurs would produce longer jumps and the majority of the class thought this would be the case. After that we all measured the length of our femurs then we went onto Key Stage 1 yard and all jumped making sure we started from the same spot and jumped in exactly the same way so that the test was fair. We were all quite surprised that the person with one of the shortest femur jumped the furthest! So it seems technique had more of a role than the length of the femur!
Week 3
We have had another super week learning lots of new things and developing our learning. In Maths we have continued to learn about place value and have been partitioning numbers up to 10,000 and learning about number lines working out the value of the different parts on the lines. In English we have continued reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the children wrote some fantastic examples of alliteration, similes and metaphors to describe Charlie Bucket, they also wrote super examples of what Charlie might say and think based on what they had learned about Charlie so far.
In Science we have been learning about the human skeleton and the scientific names for different bones in the body. We also set up and carried out and investigation to find out if people with longer femurs could jump further. 15 children thought that the people with longer femur would be able to jump further and 11 said that they wouldn't. The children were rather surprised by the result as the child who did jump further had one of the shorter femurs! It was great to see the children working as little scientist and using their Maths skills too.
Week 2
We have had yet another super week this week. The children have continued to learn about place value in Maths and have started a new topic in science called Moving and Growing. This week they have been learning about the importance of a balanced diet and which nutrients they get from the different food groups and they used this new knowledge to design a health menu for a day. We then went on to learn about the different types of skeleton categorising them into vertebrates and invertebrates. They then looked even further into the types of skeletons and were able to sort them into endoskeletons, exorskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons.
On Wednesday we enjoyed a super visit to Kirkley Hall where we learned about flora and fauna and then visited the Zoo which was so much fun. Some of us were more enthusiastic about the creepy crawly sections than others however!
Week 1
What a lovely first week back we've had! The children have made super start to year 3-4 and all looked fabulous in their new school uniforms. In Maths, we started place value. Some children used rekenreks looking at numbers to 20, and others were using base ten to partition numbers to 100 and 1000. In English, the children wrote letters to me to tell me all about themselves. It was lovely to read them and get to know them a bit better! In PE we had our first hockey lesson and in music our song for this half term is 'Mamma Mia' by ABBA. We listened to the song and discussed the beat, then started to learn the words. The children also enjoyed their first Spanish lesson this week. I am sure they will be ready for a rest this weekend as they have worked their socks off!