Spring Term A
Week 6
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Marni
Mathematician of the week- Octavia
Positive attitude of the week- Macie-Leigh
Writer of the week- Dolcie
Reader of the week- Daisy
Week 6
The children have worked incredibly hard this week in class. In Maths they have been learning to record related fact families. The year two children have been multiplying and dividing by 10. In English the class have written their own Lost and Found story. In Science year one children have naming the properties of materials. The year two children have written up their waterproof experiment results. The whole class have been testing the strength of different papers and constructing bridges to see how much weight it could carry.

Week 5
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Maddie
Mathematician of the week- Eli
Positive attitude of the week- Harry
Writer of the week- Lacey
Reader of the week- Amelia
Week 5
In English the class have completed a book review of the Lost and Found story. In Maths we have been subtracting and practising our two times tables and dividing by two. In Art the class painted using water colours in the style of Kandinsky. In P.E the class have been creating their own pirate dance routine in time with the music. In Science the year two children have been testing different materials, to see which materials were waterproof. The year one children have been labelling objects and the material they are made from.

Week 4
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Lia
Mathematician of the week- Mason
Positive attitude of the week- Miley
Writer of the week- Ben
Reader of the week- Malik
Week 4
This week the class have enjoyed writing questions to ask the penguin from the story Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers, we have also
been writing similes. In Maths the year one children have been adding by counting on and focussing on number bonds to 10 and 20. The year two children have been learning about equal groups and arrays. In Art we have looked at hot and cold colours and painted in the style of Robert Delaunay. The class have enjoyed music tapping out the pulse and performing the song In the groove. In Science we went outside to look for materials and recorded what we found.

Week 3
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Sean
Mathematician of the week- Daisy
Positive attitude of the week- Kacey
Writer of the week- Ali
Reader of the week- Jacob
Week 3
In English this week the children have been describing the Woolly Mammoth from the story and writing facts about Mammoths. In Art we have been learning how to mix tones of paint in the style of Paul Klee. On Wednesday the children were visited by Rachael from the Dogs Trust and learnt how to behave near dogs when they come into contact with them. In P.E we have been moving to music linked to the weather. In Maths the year 1 children have been comparing numbers and the year 2 children have been completing repeated addition. In Geography the class have been comparing conditions in hot and cold countries.

Week 2
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Theo
Mathematician of the week- Amelia
Positive attitude of the week- Nathan
Writer of the week- Seren
Reader of the week- Lacey
Week 2
Yet another busy week in year 1-2 this week. In English have been writing instructions on How to wash a Woolly Mammoth. In Maths we have been plotting numbers on a number line and estimating where numbers sit on an empty number line. The year 2 children have been solving problems using money and finding the correct change. In Art we have mixed secondary and tertiary colours from primary colours. They have also painted in the style of Mark Rothko. In Geography we have been exploring the Antarctic and Sahara deserts and compared the features as well as looking at how a camel is adapted to it's habitat.

Week 1
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Owen
Mathematician of the week- Charlie
Positive attitude of the week- Eli
Writer of the week- Macie-Leigh
Reader of the week- Dolcie
Week 1
The children have returned rested and ready to learn after the Christmas break. In English we they have sequenced getting ready for school and written instructions on how to wash their hands using imperative verbs and time words. In Maths the year one children have been representing numbers to 20 and writing the numbers in words. The year two children have been counting money using coins and pound notes. In Art we have started to look at primary colours and make a collage in the style of Piet Mondrian, using primary coloured paper.