Spring A
Week 6
This week the children have been writing senses poem about Winter to enter into the Poetry Bus competition. In maths they are continuing to work on multiplication and division and have been practising their 2 times table. The children have enjoyed using Hit the Button to practise their 2 times table. This is a free website they can use at home. It is also great to see the children accessing Doodle Maths at home, thank you for your support with this.The children have been developing their oracy skills, learning to share their idea, show that they are actively listening and learning how to ask their peers more about their ideas. The discussions they have been having have been wonderful.
Have a wonderful holiday Year 2, you deserve it!
Week 5
Another busy week in the life of Year 2. We have had a visit from the school nurse teaching us ‘What’s in your pants is private’. The children really enjoyed this session. We have begun our new geography topic ‘Our Country’. The children are enjoying learning about the 4 countries and capital cities of the UK.
Week 4
This week the children have been working hard in science, testing materials to find the best material to make a Ted an umbrella. They had great time in Art creating wax resistant paintings.
Does it bend, stretch, twist or squash?
Ted’s umbrella
Wax resistant paintings like Batik
Week 3
The children have begun their science topic this week, Materials and their uses. They enjoyed testing which paper was the most absorbent. In English they have written wonderful setting descriptions using similes.
Testing the absorbency of papers
In our art topic Fabricate the children worked really hard to weave and they were able to weave a small heart bag.
Week 2
The children have thoroughly enjoyed bring their teddies in from home and talking about them. They are beginning to compare them to teddies from the past. They are working really hard with money, recognising coins and finding totals.
Week 1
It has been lovely having the children back in school this week! They were thrilled to share their Christmas news. The children have settled back in and dived straight into their work. This week they have been naming 3D shapes, examining their properties. In English, they have been making predictions about their two new books: Winter’s Child and The Tear Thief. We have begun our new History topic looking at toys from the past.