Summer Term B
Week 7
Party Time!
What an exciting last week at school. The children attended Mrs Taylor's Leavers assembly and the Yr 6's leavers show and loved it.
Nursery also had a special leavers party of our own with bouncy castles and party tea.
We hope you all have a lovely summer and we have loved having your little monster/cherubs this year.
We want to say a huge thank you to all of the children and parents for our lovely gifts. You have been very kind.
From Mrs Hughes, Mrs Trainer, Mrs Gray and Mr Bennett xxxxxx
Week 6
Nursery Graduation
The staff are so very proud of all of our children who have graduated Nursery this week. They all looked fantastic in their cap and gowns and sang beautifully for the school and their parents. Well done!
They then went on to show the parents how brilliant they were at sports day. Little super stars!
Week 5
Whitehouse Farm Trip
Nursery had an amazing day at the farm. In the petting barn we had the opportunity to handle rabbits, guinea pigs, lizards, snakes and rats and mice! Nursery loved the tractor ride to see the sheep and lambs in the field. We walked around the farm and fed the goats, horses and pigs and cows. We fed the baby lambs milk from a bottle and had great fun at two parks. We were all exhausted and many had a nap on the bus home. Well done to all the children who were a pleasure to take and to our parent helpers, we couldn’t have done it without you.
Week 4
Nursery have been exploring the world of minibeasts.
Week 3
This week began with a spider hunt and observing their finds using a view finder. We then looked up some facts about spiders and the life cycle of the spider. Nursery were fascinated to learn that baby spiders are caller 'spiderlings'!
We made some great spiders from collage with wiggly legs and googly eyes.
Week 3
Bushcraft Adventure
Week 3
World Music Day
Tuesday was ‘World Music Day’. We made a music corner in our outdoor classroom. The children explored the different sounds of the percussion instruments. They kept a beat while playing along to the music and tried out the microphones.
Week 1 and 2
Jack and the Beanstalk
Nursery have been planting beans and watching them grow outside. We have been listening to different versions and re-telling the traditional tale ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children used puppets and prompts to act out the story. They have created some great pictures with collage resources and explored the shaving foam to build castles in the clouds.