Summer Term B
Week 4
The children worked very hard in our allotments this week and then had some fun in the Bush craft area. We continued reading Oliver and the Seawigs in English, and the children created some leaflets about how to care for sea monkeys. We recapped money in our maths lessons, looking at how to create given amounts using a certain number of coins.
Week 2
We had lots of fun making orange infused chocolate chip muffins in the Bushcraft area this week. First we had the rather messy job of scooping out the inside of our oranges. We then had to fill them with muffin mix before they went on the fire. The best part was trying them at the end! We continued reading Oliver and the Seawigs this week and discovered what a Seawig actually is! The Rambling Isles collect all sorts of creatures and objects from the ocean, from starfish and sea monkeys to ship wrecks. The children created their own Seawigs and seemed to enjoy wearing them!