Spring A
Week 3
Yellow Duck
Rainbow group explored print making using rubber ducks. Splash! 💦
Red Bird
We made a fluffy feather covered face mask, The children developed their fine motor skills by using a paintbrush to spread glue. Grown ups gave hand over help when needed. Chirp, chirp!
Week 2
Brown Bear Sensory Story
Our sensory story this term is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" by Eric Carle. We are developing a love of stories and the different fabrics to touch and feel helped to bring the story alive. The story has lots of repetitive language and explores colour and animal names.
Brown Bear
The Rainbow group used a paintbrush and paint to develop their hand-eye coordination, then a pincer grip to pick up the small face pieces. Look at our super collages! 🐻
My Turn, Your Turn
Taking turns is an important part of communication development for young children. When children learn to take turns, they learn the basic rhythm of communication, that back and forth exchange between people.
Miss Henderson used turn taking language “Theo’s turn”, “Rowan’s turn”.
People Toys and Games
People toys and games are perfect for encouraging the early stages of communication, such as, using eye contact, joint attention, sharing space, imitating and taking turns. Grown ups stopped pushing the pram and waited for Scarlett to look back at their face, then modelled Makaton for 'more'.
This is the Makaton sign for more. We model the action and say the word if the children request more by looking, making a noise or gesture.
Wow Moment!
Theo chose to mark make. He used the chunky chalks and pencils to make to and fro scribbles.
Week 1
Play Time
Welcome back Rainbow group!
Our sensory bin has had a Spring makeover. The dinosaur themed invitation to play has been a popular choice for Scarlett and Theo this week.
A sensory story and number rhyme song time has been added to our daily timetable. We will continue to have regular sensory input in our school day to help us regulate and be better prepared to learn and interact with others.