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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Autumn Term B

Week 2

This week we have been learning about Reembrace day. We wrote our own poems honoring and remembering all of the men, women and animals that have fought in wars and served their country so that we can live in freedom and peace. We also produced our own super poppy collages.

We have also been developing our skills to carry out addition calculation. We began by revising our number bonds knowledge then we went on to add 3 and 4 digit numbers using column addition. Once we had mastered this we went on to adding numbers where we had to exchange to the tens and hundreds column.

Week 1

This week we visited Kirkley Hall where we spent time exploring the woods learning about flora and fauna. The weather was lovely and we also took part in a spooky scavenger hunt where we had to find a witches fingers twig, a leaf skeleton, fairy knitting needles, a leaf the colour of a pumpkin and a piece of bark shaped like a witches hat.

We also wrote some super acrostic bonfire poems including onomatopoeia. 
