Autumn Term B
Week 5
This week we have been really busy learning our song for the show. We can't tell you which song it is as it will ruin the surprise and we hope you all enjoy it!
Week 3
“One kind word” Anti- Bullying Week.
This week we have celebrated Anti-Bullying Week, revisiting the different types of bullying and strategies overcome and prevent bullying behaviour. We looked at different scenarios and discussed whether or not they were mean, rude or bullying and sorted them into the correct categories.
Week 2
On Thursday we had a Remembrance Day assembly in class and thought about all of the brave soldiers who have fought for us and made many great sacrifices.
On Friday we were improving the environment of the alotments by weeding and moving bark so that they will be ready for replanting.
Stars of the Week
Jake S
Ethan G
Charlie J
Miya K
Sophia K
Week 1
This week we have come back ready for another exciting half term in the lead up to Christmas and have enjoyed developing our Maths skills on our super new online program Doodle Maths. We all have log in cards so we can use them to continue to develop our skills at home too.
Stars of the Week
Positive Attitude: Fraiser
Writer: Denver
Reader: Jack
Mathematician : Joseph