Autumn Term A
Week Seven
For the group of children who have been lucky enough to participate in the BMX sessions, this was their last week at the pump track in Chopwell. The children have all enjoyed the coaching sessions and it was amazing to see how much they have all progressed over the last 6 weeks. A big thank you to British Cycling, especially coach Ben, for their support. Also, to the Graham Wylie Foundation for providing all the BMX bikes and protective equipment.
After half term Year 5 will all be doing cycling on Tuesday afternoons and developing their skills further.
During ‘Black History Month’ Year 5 looked at Martin Luther King Jr’s 'I had a Dream' speech as well as ‘If I had sneezed’.
The children wrote their own version of this powerful speech based on what their dreams are today for the world. What a good job they have done!
The children have also been in the allotments on Friday morning.
Preparing for the festival of Diwali, Year 5 learned a layered song by Shivani Rattan called Patake! We hope you enjoy their performance and we loved learning this song.
Have a fantastic half term holiday and your children have been a credit to you this half term.
Kind regards
Miss Croll








Week Six
The children have been working so hard this week when completing assessments. I am pleased to report they are making strong progress. Well done, everyone!
On Thursday and Friday of this week, the Bikeability team were in to guide Year 5 through the level one and two course. The children first worked on their skills to then progress into the local community. It was excellent to see how the children's confidence blossomed and how they honed this important life skill. We are very proud of you all!
After half term, I will be running a 'Terrific Times Table Club' where the children will play fun games and activities in order for all of the class to recall these vital known number facts quickly and confidently. I am really looking froward to it. Miss Torrance is also running this fun Maths club with me, too.
Have a lovely weekend!
Kind regards
Miss Croll
Our Bikeability Stars!
Week Five
This week we finished reading the class text Skellig by David Almond. The children have been undertaking a lot of detailed reading analysis and discussing key themes throughout the book. We hope you enjoy the children's presentations on a variety of themes the author explores in this classic.
On Thursday, we celebrated National Poetry Day and this year’s theme was the environment. Enjoy the children’s performance of The Newcomer by Brian Patten. It really gives you food for thought. Who or what do you think the newcomer is?
Kindness and Caring





The Newcomer

Week Four
Hello, children, parents and carers.
This week the children have been enjoying street dance/fitness sessions on Monday. Please remember children need to be wearing WDPS PE kit which is a white t-shirt, black shorts, joggers or leggings and their school sweat shirt or cardigan.
We have started our new topic for Geography about Fair Trade so please can you look out for the fair trade logo when you are out and about.
We finished the week in the bushcraft area focusing on habitats - the photos say it all!
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards
Miss Croll
BMX at Chopwell Woods
After 2 sessions in the KS2 yard learning how to handle a BMX bike, a small group of Year 5 children were selected to visit the pump track in Chopwell Woods. They were joined on the track by Mr MingStones. Everyone found the steep drops of the pump track very challenging but demonstrated great resilience to persevere and keep riding. Thank you to British Cycling coach, Ben, for his excellent coaching skills.
BMX Video

Week Three
Our budding bakers are back and this week they made their bread designs come to life. Most of the children wanted to created bread designs to celebrate our new monarch - King Charles III. They had so much fun even though brown bread was not to everyone's taste. One group#s design was linked to cats for a birthday party.
Have a good weekend!
Miss Croll
Budding Bakers
Week Two
This week the children have began their street dance lessons which take place on a Monday so please remember to wear PE kit on these days. PE kit is a plain white t-shirt or a white t-shirt with the WDPS logo on and back shorts, leggings or joggers.
In Design Technology, the children have been keeping a daily dairy, recording bread products they consume each day and they have even had a go at making a basic bread recipe. Bake Off comes to Year 5.
Your child has now completed their Reading Plus assessment and it would be useful if they could read one book a week at home. The target is to complete 5 texts per week. Last year we saw outstanding progress form the previous year 5 class by reading every day To access the site search for Reading Plus - student login, site code is rpwestd3, their user name and the password is qwerty. Please get in touch if you have any queries.
Kind regards
Miss Croll
Bakers in the Making
English - Finding evidence to support or refute statements within the text
Week One
What a great start to Year Five and we have certainly packed it in this week.
We set our class rule - 'Respect everyone and everything so we can stay safe and learn'. During English, we have started our class text - Skellig by David Almond and we are certainly hooked. Bread is our first topic for Design Technology and the children thoroughly enjoyed tasting lots of different breads for a variety of cultures.
On Friday, the children paid their respects to the Queen when we discussed which WDPS Core Values she embodied as well as writing messages to her and her family.
If you need to get in touch with me this year, please feel free to email me at
Kind regards
Miss Croll