Spring Term B
Easter Stay and Play
Thank you to all of the families for your support, helping your child with their Easter themed crafts. The children had an egg-cellent time.
The Easter Bunny visited Nursery and the children had fun hunting for eggs and making their own collage designs.
Spanish Day
We celebrated Spanish Day on Wednesday, coming to school in red and yellow clothes. They decorated Spanish flags with tissue paper, listened to Dora The Explorer and learned to count to 10 in Spanish.
Mrs Hughes made Spanish omelette and the children chopped up fruit to make a Sangria drink, it was delicious!
We finished the day learning some flamenco dance moves.
Mother's Day
Wishing all the special ladies in our lives a very Happy Mother's Day!
Red Nose Day
The children came to school either in non uniform or dressed as a Mr Men or Little Miss character and made a donation to Comic Relief.
We made some delicious Jammie Dodger biscuits to take home and decorated some huge red noses in the collage area.
Nursery had a good old dance and sing to end the day doing the Hokey Cokey.
Red Nose Collage
Baking Giant Jammie Dodgers
The children were asked to think of any pet they would like to have. A range of materials and resources were available for them to make their pets with collage and mark making tools. They chose where their pet would live and talked to Mrs Hughes about them. The children made some fantastic designs, super descriptions and ideas from the children. Nursery have made a lovely pet class display.
Understanding the World
The children developed their cutting skills with an activity about animals and their habitats, matching the pet to the correct habitat.
Using dogs, bowls and dog biscuits, the children practised linking numerals and amounts. They counted out bones to match the number card.
Vet and Pets
The children were introduced to the new role-play area, the Vets. The adults modelled the different roles in veterinary practice and the children could choose to work at the vets, or bring a pet for treatment.
The children were encouraged to talk about their pets ailments, then the vet used their medical tools to make them better.