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West Denton Primary School

‘A Stepping Stone into the Future’

Turing Project Overview

Mick MingStones' (Head Teacher, WDPS) Turing Project Overview


I am so proud of the attitude and behaviour of the 19 Ambassadors that we took to Amsterdam;  where we visited our friends in our host school


This truly was a life-changing cultural experience for all.


Check out our vlogs @

West Denton Primary School (@westdentonprimaryschool) • Instagram photos and videos


and also the pages on the WDPS website@

Amsterdam 2024 | West Denton Primary School


We will be returning to Amsterdam in 2026.


Kind regards,



Mick MingStones

Head Teacher



Mick MingStones and Rachael Croll met with Judith (Principal) and Michelle (Lead Teacher) from to agree the final logistics for our visit. The community are as excited as we are to be working together in their school again.

Children will learn about each other's culture through asking questions in discussion booklets.


WDPS staff will teach the following activities to mixed groups of WDPS and students:
1. Make paracord bracelets.
2. Science challenge - make a structure to support  the heaviest mass.
3. Make clay hedgehogs.
4. Complete a mindfulness activity. staff will deliver the following activities:
1. Make 'Delfts blauwe tegeltjes'
2. Play games outside and complete problem-solving activities.


The children with a WDPS staff member will also enjoy lunch at a Dutch student's family home.


Mrs. Williams began training the cyclists today on the WDPS Running and Mountain Bike Trail. They are all keen to ride to Amsterdam and back with Mrs. Williams, Mr. Shiel, Mr. Jones, Jim West (WDPS Governor) and me.


The Turing staff team worked through all the logistics for our Amsterdam mobility next month. Mr. Jones is still waiting for a few passports so that he can notify the ferry company DFDS for their ship's manifest. Fingers crossed the passports arrive soon!


MMS presented project/mobility overview to Governors on annual Leadership Planning Day.

Met with Turing team to finalise logistics including expenditure for disadvantaged children as per 'Exceptional Costs'.
Awaiting online payment card (Became part of a MAT- ONE Trust NE on 1st January 2024) so that we can buy personal insurance for people on mobility, European breakdown cover for minibuses, permits for Amsterdam etc.
Online meeting with partner school staff.


The WDPS Turing Team met last night to ensure all logistics/activities are on track. We covered the following points:

Participant spreadsheet -Mick MingStones (MMS) IT glitches gratefully sorted by Capita contact - organisational support costs approved by Capita.

Insurance - MMS- Minibuses, bikes and equipment - covered by Newcastle City Council.

Passports- Mr. Jones to collect and send details to DfDS for ship’s manifest.

Insurance - MMS- staff and pupils - MMS to action once ONE Trust payment card is received.

Bike service - MMS and Mrs. Williams - Bike4health to action in March 2024 prior to mobility.

Minibuses - MMS- parking fees and congestion charges/clear air zone fees - MMS to action once ONE Trust payment card is received.

Minibus logistics - Minibus 1 to transport all suitcases/big bags and spare bikes - Minibus 2 for press crew, Miss Croll and Mrs. McHatton and all overnight bags for the ferry crossing.

Social media - Bumbl to create a daily highlights vlog and end of trip celebration vlogs x 2 (As per 2022 trip) upon receipt of material daily from press crew (Led by Miss Croll and Mrs. McHatton) and MMS to provide cycling video clips.

Hostel and meals - booked by Mr. Shiel. Deposit paid and balance to be paid by 23-02-2024.

Bike route - mapped out by Mr, Jones. All riding adults to have a handlebar phone mount so that all can navigate/lead. MMS to purchase phone mounts once ONE Trust payment card is received.

Practice bike rides - Mrs. Williams to lead practice circuits on WDPS Running and Mountain Bike Trail. Friday 8th March 2024 - Group bike ride to the Hub and back to fine-tune communication and group riding skills.

Pre-visit online work with - Miss Croll to contact the school this week to arrange online students meetings-  focus on hobbies and food etc. - also include a Life Manual focus.

Activities to be delivered by WDPS when at - Life Manual focus including: construction, paracord bracelets, wellbeing, mindfulness etc. Mrs. McHatton has purchased resources.

Additional activities when in Amsterdam - Canal boat ride, tram journeys and visit to the Anne Frank House museum.


Well, Miss Croll and I enjoyed interviewing 39 potential Ambassadors for the 2024 Amsterdam mobility.


We were really impressed by the quality  of presentation from many of the students. A huge thank you  to the families who helped their children prepare so well which was reflected in the quality of their answers, speeches and multi-media assets!


Some families were not able to help their children prepare at home.  I appreciate the support Miss Croll offered to all these students  to help them prepare for the Ambassador Interviews. Again, this was reflected in their presentations. We stressed to all children at interview who had not received support from home, the importance of accepting help at school when it is offered by school staff.


We will notify families by Friday 29th September as to whether their child is on: 1. Amsterdam Ambassador 2024 List or 2. whether they are on our Reserve Ambassador List.


Kind regards,



Mick MingStones

Head Teacher



We are delighted to announce that we have won the Turing grant again! Thanks to Miss Croll for actioning the application this time. Now the admin work has begun for the staff team and me again!


Dear Children (Y5 and Y6 pupils in September 2023), Parents and Carers,


I am delighted to tell you that we have been awarded a Turing Project grant, for a second time, to continue to develop international relationships with our partner school in Amsterdam. Over the course of this year, all our Phase 3 children will be working on a joint project that will involve the following:

  • Communicating with Dutch students in order to see what is the same and different in our lives for the mutual benefit of both communities.
  • Creating a shared learning platform for teachers and students – ideas for an active, well-balanced life including dealing with stress.  
  • Nurturing more active and healthy students who are more aware of the importance of a balanced lifestyle, a “healthy food” curriculum and long-term activities at school.   
  • Creating a symbiotic long-term international relationship between schools.  
  • Creating a ‘Life Manual’ that the children will contribute to and use on their life journeys.

The Life Manual has the following 4 elements:

  1. Recipes for healthy snacks and meals.
  2. Ideas and techniques for promoting mental health, positive wellbeing, mindfulness, meditation etc.
  3. Outdoor activities
  4. Ideas for creative response e.g. write songs, origami, whittling etc.


We have already started communicating with children (WDPS and the Dutch school) through letter writing and this will continue in September and meetings via Teams.


Fully Funded Visit to Amsterdam for 20 Student Ambassadors (Free to Families!!!!)

As part of the project, we have been funded for 20 children and 6 members of staff to visit Amsterdam and to spend time learning in a school alongside Dutch students. 14 children will be chosen to cycle and then a further 6 children will be the press crew on the school minibus. Whilst there, our children will enjoy developing their understanding of the Dutch culture and way of life whilst promoting positive lifestyle choices and international collaboration.


The Logistics

We will leave WDPS on the afternoon of Sunday 24th March 2024 and cycle to the DFDS Ferry Terminal in North Shields. After a night on the ferry, we will cycle along bike paths to the centre of Amsterdam where our hostel is. The next few days will be spent learning with Dutch students and teachers in their school (, travelling around Amsterdam to see how people adopt healthy lifestyles and then synthesise cultural learning through the ‘Life Manual’.   On Thursday 28st March, we will catch the return ferry and cycle back to WDPS arriving back on Good Friday 29th March 2024.



When immersing WDPS children in a Dutch school and experiencing Dutch cultural life, staff will guide students to set aspirational life goals so that the Dutch trip has maximum influence and impact for their life chances. A key element to helping to maximise life success is to adopt a healthy lifestyle when you are young. Learning and travelling in Amsterdam with Dutch students will be an important stepping-stone on their life journey.  

How Can My Child Become a WDPS Student Ambassador to Amsterdam?

Please come to our launch meeting on Thursday 14th September 2023 at 3.30pm in the school hall where we will give you more details and you will be able to ask any unanswered questions about this ‘Once in a Lifetime Opportunity.’


Your child’s Class Teacher will talk to them about this project. Now it is your turn to talk with them and to see if they would like to be involved in this exciting trip. If they do, please complete the slip below and then we will hold selection interviews in school which will involve answering questions on the following:


  • The skills that they bring to the team
  • How the visit will benefit them in the short-term and also in later life (e.g. aspirations to study, live and work in different places including overseas)
  • The need for the project
  • Mutual benefits that the international project will provide etc.


Please note that each ambassador will need to have parental/carer media, photo, video online consent etc.

NB If needed, there is funding available to help purchase passports for children in receipt of free school meals.


Kind regards,



Mick MingStones

Head Teacher




Thank you to Miss Croll for actioning the initial application for a return visit to in March 2024. The Life Manual remains central to the bid as we want all children to be able to thrive in life. My dream is that one day, all young and older people would be able to access the Life Manual via an app on their mobile phone:


The Life Manual has the following 4 elements:

1. Recipes for healthy snacks and meals.

2. Ideas and techniques for promoting mental health, positive wellbeing, mindfulness, meditation etc.

3. Outdoor activities

4. Ideas for creative response e.g. write songs, origami, whittling etc.


Miss Croll sent the application off last night.


Please keep your fingers crossed that we are once again successful in our bid to take our children on an amazing, life-enhancing cultural visit to Holland.


Miss Croll and I met online with staff Judith Van Sambeek (Principal)  and Michelle Krenning (Teacher) to discuss our work together this year. Miss Croll's Y5 class have already sent introductory letters and this two-way correspondence will continue for the rest of this year. It will build friendships, as we prepare for the anticipated return visit to on Sunday 24th March 2024.


2022-2023 - WDPS and Planned International Work

Miss Croll's Y5 class have written to students to introduce themselves and to tell them all about their lives here in Newcastle.

They will develop friendships via offline correspondence this term and then progress to online meetings from September 2023 with a view to meeting in person in Amsterdam in Summer term 2024.


WDPS students will continue to develop the ‘Life Manual’ and share these assets for making positive life choices with our friends. 


2022-2023 - WDPS and Planned International Work

After consulting with the staff team, Judith Vansambeek (Head of School) and Michelle Krenning (Lead Teacher) have decided that they wish to continue working with WDPS in 2022-2023. Unfortunately, they are not in a position to come and spend time with us in Newcastle this coming year. However, they wish to continue online collaborations between the students in both schools via online meetings, e-mails etc. as there are so many benefits for us all to enjoy.


WDPS students will continue to develop the ‘Life Manual’ and share these assets for making positive life choices with our friends. 


Then in 2023-2024, we will return to Amsterdam to give our WDPS students a real, cultural appreciation of a Dutch school and a first hand experience of a positive, vibrant, healthy, creative European culture. 


On this visit, we will take a WDPS Press Crew in the support-minibus and they will be tasked with chronicling the whole experience for us all. 

The Life Manual - Summer Term 2022 - 20-06-22 

Our Phase 3 students (Y5, Y5-6 and Y6) are now working on creating assets for the 'Life Manual' which will be accessed (Via a shared platform) by students at WDPS and This will help them to make positive choices on their life journeys.


The Life Manual has the following 4 elements:


  1. Recipes for healthy snacks and meals.
  2. Ideas and techniques for promoting mental health, positive wellbeing, mindfulness, meditation etc.
  3. Outdoor activities
  4. Ideas for creative response e.g. write songs, origami, whittling etc.


My dream is that one day, young people everywhere, will be able to access the 'Life Manual' through an app on their smartphone

Primary Times - Article - 23-05-22 - WDPS Goes Dutch

Enjoy the Second Northern Insight (Post-Visit) Article Below - 14-04-22


Turing Programme

This has been one of the highlights in my educational career. This was an incredible team effort by WDPS staff and Governors and the impact was that our children got to experience a truly, cultural experience overseas. It enriches the WDPS culture and builds on the WDPS Life Skills Challenge Award (LSCA), WDPS Raising Aspirations Programme (RAP) and our desire to nurture global citizens.


We are now strengthening the international aspects of our learning offer for all children. In 2023 plan to visit us and we will help them to appreciate the culture and heritage of the North East. In 2024 we will return to Amsterdam with more students and take a newspaper team of students to chronicle our next mobility. We will continue to work online and share ideas and resources.


I have just completed the Turing Final Report (See below)



Our students embarked on a life journey to become global citizens. The impact was maximised by spending time in another culture where they gained intercultural skills, competencies and cultural capital for their own holistic development.


The visit helped form friendships with Dutch students. By cycling to and around Amsterdam and learning together with and from Dutch students, they gained an understanding of England being part of Europe and the world. Students compared similarities/differences in our respective lifestyles including primary education and how we can promote healthy lifestyles for all.

WDPS students absorbed the Dutch school system and typical school day, enabling them to understand each other better and to compare learning in different countries. The students are more motivated to achieve academically as they now appreciate the importance

of educational attainment to maximising life choices/chances for living, studying, travelling and working overseas.


Before we went on the mobility to Holland, our students gained knowledge about Dutch students’ lifestyles through the online meetings which focused on ‘Meeting Each Other’, ‘Hobbies’ and ‘Food and Drink’.  This gave them confidence to work with the Dutch students due to having minimised barriers prior to the mobility. Post mobility, they wish to strengthen these friendships.


Our children appreciate that cycling is the most popular form of transport for Dutch people and that this  impacts on people's mental and physical health, reduces the need to rely on fossil fuels for transport and helps create a cleaner environment for all to enjoy. The students learnt that dedicated bike paths permit everyone to travel around safely. This challenged their thinking of what life could be like back in Newcastle and how we need to campaign for cleaner, safer and healthier way to travel to school and around Newcastle.

Students have learnt about possibilities for outdoor and creative activities, healthy snack and meal options, strategies to use in stressful/conflict situations and the importance of an active life in order to enjoy life to the full and to contribute fully to UK and overseas communities now and in the future.


Staff in both schools have the desire to build on the success of the trip and to continue to collaborate online including in the development of the ‘Life Manual’. In the first instance, West Denton Primary School (WDPS) is creating workcards/activities for all 4 areas and then ttsa will add to these in the future. I discussed safe and healthy travel networks in Amsterdam with Maud de Vries (@BicycleFuturist, Co-founder) @BYCS_org.)  and also our Life Manual innovation and she agreed with me that this needs to be developed and available to all young people. Sir Graham Wylie @SirGWFoundation is of the same opinion.


Spending 2 days learning from each other  in a Dutch school,  sharing a meal with a Dutch family in their home, Visiting the Tropenmuseum and travelling on a ferry, canal boat and  tram and walking and cycling around Amsterdam has increased our students’ cultural capital exponentially.


Benefits to WDPS students:

  • Want to help other people to make healthier life choices back in Newcastle now that they have travelled and spent time in Holland.
  • Appreciate the Dutch culture and widened their horizons through cycling and walking through Amsterdam.
  • Able to comment on Dutch architecture
  • Appreciate the green benefits of travelling on trams and canal boats and all believe that this mobility will shape their future life choices.
  • Believe that in the UK the Government needs to invest in dedicated and safe bike paths like in Holland.
  • Understand the importance of healthy life choices for impacting on mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health.
  • Want to visit Holland again with their families.
  • Have aspirations to travel, study, work and live overseas.
  • Appreciate the importance of working hard at school to positively impacting on maximising choices in all aspects of their future lives.
  • Appreciate that cultural holidays can shape them positively as individuals rather than thinking that a holiday overseas is limited to a package holiday (Sun, hotel, pool etc.)


Enjoy our Facebook Coverage of the Amsterdam Trip

West Denton Primary School - Home | Facebook


Check out the Turing Experience on the Phase 3 Class Pages below.

Phase 3 | West Denton Primary School


Just had a really productive final staff meeting for the Turing Amsterdam mobility. Many thanks to  WDPS staff across the school including the Phase 3 team who are supporting this initiative with their time and skills. Massive thanks to the Turing Ambassador Staff (Rachael Croll, Nick Shiel, Neil Jones, Jocasta Williams and Liz Mc Hatton) who, along with me, are putting heart and soul into making this an inspirational, lifetime, learning experience for the 11 students who are going to Amsterdam with us. 

Angela Mason - Teaching our Phase 3 Children Dutch Greetings - Using Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic Inputs- 23-03-22


Great News from DFDS! Read on below .........

Subject: RE: Plan & Schedule for WDPS Visit onboard King Seaways - Sunday 27 March

Please find attached the updated schedule as I’m delighted to say we have confirmed a talk to take place from our ORCA conservationist onboard. Timings below and attached: 14:30 – 16:00 UK time / 15:30 – 17:00 ship time:

  • 14:30 – 15:30 UK time / 15:30 – 16:30 – Tours of The Bridge in 1 group of 10 and 1 group of 11 [mix of children and teachers]
  • Rest of the group samples some Dutch food and completes some worksheets about Dutch culture.
  • 15:30 – 16:00 UK time / 16:30 – 17:00 – ORCA talk about wildlife in the North Sea. ORCA is a sealife conservation charity and we run experiences and talks onboard.
  • Large screen in this area – can use this for ORCA presentation if needed.



Staff and I can breathe a sigh of relief due to the following announcement by DFDS today:

Travel from UK to Netherlands

From 23rd March 2022, the Dutch Government have announced they will lift the testing requirements for passengers from the UK who are fully vaccinated. This means the last testing date will be Monday 21st March.


Up until this moment, we had COVID LFD tests booked for 9am on Sunday 27th March - the day of the departure! 


Now we can all begin to get excited about the trip as all 6 members of staff can accompany the WDPS Ambassadors on this Turing Scheme mobility.


We are all super excited as we make the last minute preparations for our trip to Amsterdam. I have been in communication with Judith Van Sambeek (TTSA Vice- Principal)  and Michelle Krenning (Teacher) and they have informed me that they have planned a 'Spectacular Program' for us all to enjoy! Roll on Sunday and negative COVID-19 tests for all staff at 9am!

Northern Insight - WDPS Feature - March 2022


As our departure coincides with the arrival of British Summer Time, I have text alerts scheduled to be sent to the families of our Ambassadors for Saturday evening and for 8am and 9am on Sunday morning ! 


Everyone is getting excited now for the trip. The Ambassadors have been allocated  bikes and given all the bike kit to take home ready to come to WDPS at 10.30am on Sunday 27th March - Mother's Day!


Check out our WDPS Turing Ambassador T-Shirts that have been Kindly Supplied by the Ferry Operator DFDS


Click on the video link below (Talking Heads)

to hear the WDPS Ambassadors' thoughts and feelings about their forthcoming trip to spend time in ttsa in Amsterdam. 

West Denton Primary School (


Mick MingStones, WDPS Head Teacher, gives an overview of the Turing Project and how it dovetails perfectly with the WDPS learning culture and ethos as defined by our vision statement:

WDPS Vision Statement

'At WDPS, we believe that when children are given the opportunity to foster a love of challenge, adventure and creativity in and beyond the classroom - developing skills that will equip them for all walks of life - they will become life-long learners with resilience, passion and a thirst for knowledge.'

Click on the video link below (Turing Scheme Project)

Turing Project including Student Mobility to Amsterdam | West Denton Primary School (


Wednesday 9th March at 3.20pm, parent meeting for Amsterdam trip.

  • Show video of a previous WDPS Amsterdam trip.
  • Overview of itinerary.
  • Q and A session.


West Denton Primary School (WDPS)

@WDPrimarySchool (Twitter)

Joe Waugh WDPS Raising Aspirations Programme

It was a real pleasure for me to welcome Joe Waugh back to school today, to talk to our children (Including the Turing Ambassadors) as part of the WDPS Raising Aspirations Programme (RAP). Joe inspired the children with his life story and how he grafted to compete at 2 Olympic Games and also to win a Commonwealth Games Gold Medal. He emphasised the importance of making healthy life choices and the value of cycling for exploring the world, having fun and for making life-long friendships.  A true athlete and gentleman. 

Mick MingStones, Head Teacher, WDPS.

Joe Waugh - Olympian and Commonwealth Gold Medal Winner for Cycling - WDPS Raising Aspirations Programme (RAP) Talk - Friday 4th March 2022


Online meetings between WDPS and ttsa students that focused on learning about how they spent their  'Spare Time'.


Exciting developments for  Sunday 27th March, departure day for Amsterdam.

  • 10.30 am - Ambassadors arrive at WDPS ready for the big trip.
  • 11.00 am - Ride from school to Port of Tyne.
  • Photo of WDPS Ambassadors with Captain, Commercial Head of DFDS on deck.
  • Short tour of the ship and a visit to the bridge.
  • Visit to Explorer's restaurant to try a Dutch plate of food including Bitterballen and Dutch cheese.
  • Complete some Dutch-themed activity sheets.
  • Go to cabins and shower and get changed.
  • Out on deck for a 5 pm departure and to enjoy seeing local landmarks as we sail down the river Tyne.



Quality WDPS staff Turing planning meeting where we worked through the logistics of our mobility to Amsterdam in just over 3 weeks' time.


Useful online meeting with Sarah Edgar (School Effectiveness EAL Lead, Newcastle City Council) and other schools that have secured Turing funding. Shared experiences of using the Turing online reporting tool, logistics for our respective mobilities and top tips etc.


When we embark on our visit to ttsa in Amsterdam, we will be posting regular vlogs on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram social media platforms so that the WDPS community can gain a flavour of the learning experiences that the WDPS Ambassadors are enjoying. 

15-02-22 - WDPS Turing Ambassadors - Excited about Amsterdam Mobility


Regular updates from me to the British Council (On-line Reporting Tool) and to the WDPS community.


Thank you to the WDPS Turing Team (Rachael Croll, Nick Shiel, Sarah Singleton, Jocasta Williams, Liz McHatton and Neil Jones) and to all WDPS admin and teaching staff for working with me to raise our children’s aspirations and to promote the importance of learning from other cultures.


This has included:

  • Creating exemplar assets for the Life Manual (Shared-online platform)
  • Booking ferry crossings
  • Booking accommodation and meals in Amsterdam
  • Booking cultural experiences
  • Planning activities to deliver to the ttsa and WDPS students in Amsterdam.
  • Sourcing goods and materials for the mobility
  • Coaching cyclists to develop group-riding techniques, specific techniques and stamina on the bike
  • Risk-assessing and route-planning


Turing Award and the 'Creative, Healthy and Natural Me' Project  (Update)

This week, the ttsa and WDPS students asked and answered questions focused on 'Meeting Each Other' and they shared information that they had compiled in a workbook that staff had created.



•w/c 17th Jan – whole class introduction meetings – present our school.

•w/c 24th Jan – Student ‘Meeting Each Other’ scaffolded meeting (3a).

•w/c 7th Feb – Student ‘Spare Time’ scaffolded meeting (3b).

•w/c 28th Feb – Student ‘Food and Drink’ scaffolded meeting (3c).

3a..ttsa-wdps-student-meetings-meeting-each-other.pdf (

3b.ttsa-wdps-student-meetings-spare-time.pdf (

3c.ttsa-wdps-student-meetings-food-and-drink.pdf (

•w/c 14th March – WDPS Student Ambassadors Teams meeting.

We have set up bespoke e-mail addresses that we can use for supervised Teams meetings between our Phase 3 students and the students at Theo Thijssen school (TTSA) in Amsterdam. Huge thanks to Alan Errington (IT Support Analyst – Newcastle City Council) for his resilience in actioning e-mail addresses that can be used for this project.


Life Manual Share Point

A huge thank you to Paul Bainbridge and the IT Team at Newcastle City Council for problem-solving to create a Share Point platform that WDPS staff and ttsa staff can use to upload assets for the Life Manual. Students and staff can tap into this resource to help make positive life choices.


The Life Manual will have the following 4 elements:

1. Recipes for healthy snacks and meals. See example ‘Singing Hinnies’(A1)

a1-singing-hinnies.pdf (

2. Ideas and techniques for promoting mental health, positive wellbeing, mindfulness, meditation etc. See example ‘Visualisation Meditation – Walking Through a Woodland’ (B1).

b1-visualisation-meditation-walking-through-a-woodland.pdf (

3. Outdoor activities.

4. Ideas for creative response e.g. write songs, origami, whittling etc.


Social Media and Traditional Marketing

Thank you to Mark Wright (Vice-chair of Governors) for his strong input into social media and traditional marketing meetings focused on how we can promote the Turing project; so that the widest possible audience understands the rationale for this international project.

24-07-21 (First Saturday of the Summer Holidays)

Awarded the grant. See Grant Award E-mail (00) and my e-mail to WDPS Staff and Governors (00a)

00-turing-grant-award-e-mail-24-07-21.pdf (

00a-e-mail-to-wdps-staff-and-governors-24-07-21.pdf (


Finding a Partner School in Amsterdam

(Communication = Resilience in Bucket Fulls!)


  • The process to find a school was arduous. A contact I was initially given by Newcastle City Council  knew nothing about the project! After lots of e-mails and telephone calls to one school, education boards, the Bicycle Mayor of Amsterdam etc., I resorted to social media.
  • Carlton Reid (Freelance transport journalist) put me in contact with Maud de Vries (CEO BYCS – A company that works to strengthen the human infrastructure of cycling cities by supporting community initiatives, promoting a culture of active mobility and inspiring new citizens to take up the bicycle for daily trips.
  • Maud put me in contact with Judith Vansambeek (VP- ttsa) and after two, in-depth telephone conversations, she agreed to work with WDPS.
  • 25-11-21 and 15-12-21 – Teams meeting with Judith, Michelle Krenning (ttsa teacher) and the WDPS Turing Team.
  • 13-01-22 – ttsa and WDPS Teams staff meetings.


I worked with the Turing Ambassadors and they completed the following questionnaires in order that I could gain some baseline data: WDPS Core Values - Baseline Self-Assessment (2a); Food and Drinks Lifestyle Questionnaire (2b) and General Lifestyle Questionnaire (2c).

2a.wdps-core-values-baseline-self-assessment-november-2021.pdf ( (

2c.general-lifestyle-questionnaire-16-11-21.pdf (


Miss Croll and I interviewed the children to see who would be the WDPS Ambassadors for the visit to Amsterdam (1b).

1b.student-interview-template-turing-project-09-11-21.pdf (


Parent letter to inform them of the Turing Programme Grant Award and the possibility of their child being awarded a 100% funded Ambassador place on the Amsterdam trip (1a).

1a.parent-letter-turing-project-03-11-21.pdf (


Received feedback from Sarah and from Brian Stobie (British Council Schools Ambassador on my first draft)


Submitted final application.


Started the first of 7 days + working on the application.


Read all the Turing documentation regarding the application process.


I contacted Sarah and she gave me a contact for a school in Amsterdam. The school replied to my initial e-mail and then avoided all my subsequent e-mails and voicemails regarding partnering with them for a joint, international project.


Online meeting with Sarah and the British Council to give an overview of the Turing Programme.


Received an e-mail from Sarah Edgar (School Effectiveness EAL Lead, Newcastle City Council) regarding the Turing Programme.
