Autumn Term A
Week 7
For the group of children who have been lucky enough to participate in the BMX sessions, this was their last week at the pump track in Chopwell. The children have all enjoyed the coaching sessions and it was amazing to see how much they have all progressed over the last 6 weeks. A big thank you to British Cycling, especially coach Ben, for their support. Also to the Graham Wylie Foundation for providing all the BMX bikes and protective equipment.
To complete our Bread topic in Design Technology, we made our own bread dough and cooked flat breads on the fire. They were delicious accompanied by home-made blackcurrant jam, with fruit picked from our school allotment.



Week 6
This week our Year 5 pupils have had the opportunity to work with Newcastle City Council's bikeability instructors and undertake 2 days of cycle safety training. After spending a morning brushing up their bike handling skills on the KS2 yard, the pupils headed out in small groups to nearby streets to learn how to cycle on single-lane roads and cope with simple junctions and moderate traffic.
Ready, steady, bake! For our Design Technology topic we have been evaluating different types of bread. We also designed, baked and taste-tested our own delicious creations.
Week 5
This week we have been learning the steps we can take to keep hedgehogs safe in their natural habitats. During our session in the Bushcraft area, we also built hedgehog houses. We are looking forward to seeing if we can attract some hedgehog visitors over Autumn and Winter.
As it was National Poetry Day, we read some poems relating to this year's theme of the environment.



Week 4
BMX at Chopwell Woods
After 2 sessions in the KS2 yard learning how to handle a BMX bike, a small group of Year 5 children were selected to visit the pump track in Chopwell Woods. They were joined on the track by Mr MingStones. Everyone found the steep drops of the pump track very challenging but demonstrated great resilience to persevere and keep riding. Thank you to British Cycling coach, Ben, for his excellent coaching skills.

Week 3
We have started our new geography topic this week and have been learning about the Silk Road and why is was important for trade. We annotated pictures of the Tamarin Basin and discussed why traders had to go around the landform. This week we have completed our Doodle Maths baselines and have continued our work around Skellig.
Week 2
This week we have continued our place value topic in maths, learning about numbers to 10,000,000. We took part in a fitness session with Active Kids and loved being back in our Bush Craft area for our Life Skills Session with Mrs McHatton. We were identifying flora and fauna.
Week 1
It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to school this week. We have been very busy already. The children have been learning about fixed and growth mindsets and in Maths they have been revisiting some of their previous learning about place value.
We rocked out in our music lesson, learning to sing Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi. In English we have been making predictions about our new class novel Skellig.