Spring A
Week 6
This week we have designed some posters from our Safety Works visit a few weeks ago. You can see some of these below. In English, we have been writing a spooky story using atmospheric language. In maths we have been looking at subtracting large decimal numbers with exchanging and also recapping on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.
We hope you have a good restful half term break.
Week 5
Continuing with The Lighthouse story, in English we have begun to write a retelling of the story as if we were there 40 years ago, and in Art, we painted dramatic pictures of the lighthouse. Maths scores are improving in our weekly arithmetic challenge which is great to see and we have also been learning algebra.
Week 4
The children produced some fantastic new reports in English this week based on The Lighthouse short film. We have spent over a week looking at the features of a newspaper article and finally pulled all the elements together this week. What a great job they did!
We also had a trip to Safety Works where we learnt all about how to keep safe at the metro station, the beach and near water, and what to do if we discovered a fire. We also enjoyed a bit of mindfulness while we were there.
In maths, we have been continuing with ration and past SAT papers to get our brains ready.
Week 3
What a great week we’ve had! We’ve been doing lots of work in English around a short film called The Lighthouse where the children have been looking at different types of language and how powerful it can be when writing headlines, what to include in the introduction (the 5 w’s) and what information is relevant. We will eventually write a newspaper report based on the story pulling in everything we have learnt.
On Wednesday we had an interesting day at Shipley Art Gallery where we learnt all about fabric and even tried some felting and needlework ourselves.
Week 2
This week we have been starting our SATs preparations. You may have heard your child saying they have been doing test papers, which we have used to form a baseline to see where the gaps are. All children tried their hardest and we now have a good idea on areas to focus on. Well done Year 6.
Week 1
Welcome back Year 6. We hope you've all had a lovely Christmas break. This week we have been straight back into work with writing a non-chronological report about solar energy in English and looking at the features of a news article. In maths we have been looking at converting units of measurements.