Summer Term A
Week 6
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Elizabeth
Mathematician of the week- Darcy
Positive attitude of the week- Elsie
Writer of the week- Izzy
Reader of the week- Jessica
Week 6
In class this week we have been focussing on PSHCE. The children have sorted acceptable and unacceptable behaviour cards, discussed why there is a need for rules and written their own class rules. They have also thought about what to look for in a friend and what makes them a good friend. In the afternoons the children have had fun learning about primary and secondary colours and mixed their own with some good results. Continuing the theme of friendship we have read the story Rainbow fish and the children created their own.
Week 5
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Joey
Mathematician of the week- CJ
Positive attitude of the week- Callum
Writer of the week- Siako
Reader of the week- Mohamed
Week 5
This week in English the children have been writing sensory poems about Spring. They have enjoyed making bird feeders in the bush craft area, where they managed to role up their sleeves and get messy mixing the ingredients together. In Maths the children have been ordering two digit numbers and partitioning into tens and ones. We have continued our Geography topic and explored the continent of Africa, concentrating on the country of Kenya.
Week 4
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Riley
Mathematician of the week- Freddie
Positive attitude of the week- Leela
Writer of the week- Jack
Reader of the week- Michelle
Head Teacher Certificate - Siako
Week 4
This week the children have been writing facts about ladybirds including their habitat diet and appearance.
In Maths we have been solving subtraction calculations and word problems using a number line. Our afternoon topic has been Geography based. The children have learnt to name the seven continents and the five oceans, looked at physical and human features of Newcastle. In Art the class enjoyed sketching the Tyne Bridge in their Art books.
Week 3
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Sam
Mathematician of the week- Olivia
Positive attitude of the week- Peter
Writer of the week- Chester
Reader of the week- Thea
Week 3
In class this week the children have been learning about fiction and non-fiction books. We have started to research about ladybirds taking notes in preparation to create a fact file. In Maths we have been halving shapes and amounts. In Science we have continued our topic Living things and their habitats. The class enjoyed creating their own bug hotels using natural resources, these will be hung up in the bush craft area. The year two children have also had the opportunity to cycle with Miss Williams.
Week 2
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Leela
Mathematician of the week- Michelle
Positive attitude of the week- Freddie
Writer of the week- Riley
Reader of the week- Siako
Week 2
The children have been working very hard throughout the week. In Maths the children have been learning how to tell the time including o clock and half past. In English the we have been writing the Billy Goats Gruff story. In PE it was the last session of street dance and the children got to strut their stuff and create their own dance. In Science the children have learnt about what is a habitat and how and why animals are adapted to a specific environment.
Week 1
Stars of the Week
Well done to the following children this week who have received certificates.
Learner of the week- Joey
Mathematician of the week- Olivia
Positive attitude of the week- Jessica
Writer of the week- Thea
Reader of the week- Harrison
Head Teacher Award Joey
Week 1
It has been a very busy week in class this week. The children have been working very hard throughout the week. In Maths we have been adding two digit numbers. In English the we have been writing about the Three Billy Goats Gruff and describing the Troll. We had a lovely day in the Bush craft area and the children enjoyed making a hedgehog out of clay and twigs. In Science the class have been learning about Living things and their habitats, including MRS GREN. We went for a walk around the school grounds to look for living things.